Create Paint Like Application using C Programming || Simulation of paint Application Using C Code
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #define INCR 1 #define DECR -1 #define PREDX 1 #define PREDY 0 int gm,gd=DETECT,button,x,y,ch,fg,bg,dx, dy, e, e_inc, e_noinc,j,w,h; union REGS i,o; struct SREGS s ; char str[10]; char buffer[3000]; int hourglass[32]={ /*hourglass screen mask*/ 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x8001,0xc003,0xf00f,0xfc3f, 0xfc3f,0xf00f,0xc003,0x8001, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, /*the mouse ptr bitmap*/ 0xffff,0x8001,0xffff,0x8001, 0x4002,0x2004,0x1008,0x0240, 0x0240,0x0810,0x2004,0x4002, 0x8001,0xffff,0x8001,0xffff}; int plus[32]={ /*+ screen mask*/ 0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f, 0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0x0000, 0x0000,0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f, 0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f,0xfe7f, /*+mouseptr bitmap*/ 0x0180,0x0180,0x0180,0x0180, 0x0180,0x0180,0x0180,0xfe7f, 0xfe7f,0x0180,0x0180,0x0180, 0x0180,0x0180,0x0180,0x0180}; int rubber[32]={ /*Eraser screen mask*/ 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, /*eraser bitmap*/ 0xffff,0x8001,0x8001,0x8001, 0x8001,0x8001,0x8001,0x8001, 0x8001,0x8001,0x8001,0x8001, 0x8001,0x8001,0x8001,0xffff}; int hand[32]={/*hand-screenmask+pointer bitmap*/ 0xe1ff,0xe1ff,0xe1ff,0xe1ff, 0xe1ff,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x1e00,0x1200,0x1200,0x2100, 0x13ff,0x1249,0x1249,0xf249, 0x9001,0x9001,0x9001,0x8001, 0x8001,0x8001,0xffff,0x0000}; int pencil[32] = { 0x3ff ,0x5ff ,0x6ff ,0x1b7f, 0x1dbf,0x6edf,0xb76f,0xdbb7, 0xeddb,0xf6ed,0xfb76,0xfdb8, 0xfed9,0xff63,0xffa7,0xffcf, 0xfc00,0xfa00,0xf900,0xe480, 0xe240,0x9120,0x4890,0x2448, 0x1224,0x912 ,0x489 ,0x247 , 0x126 ,0x9c ,0x58 ,0x30 }; int bottle[32]={ 0x0000,0xbffe,0xdffe,0xeffe, 0xf7fe,0xf7fe,0xf7fe,0xf7fe, 0xf000,0xf000,0xf000,0xf7fe, 0xf7fe,0xf7fe,0xf7fe,0xf000, 0xffff,0x4001,0x2001,0x1001, 0x801 ,0x801 ,0x801 ,0x801 , 0xfff ,0xfff ,0xfff ,0x801 , 0x801 ,0x801 ,0x801 ,0xfff }; char NEW[]={"Creates A New File"}; char OPEN[]={"Opens An Existing File"}; char SAVE[]={"Saves The Active File"}; char ABOUT[]={"Displays Information About Program"}; char PENCIL[]={"Draws A Free Form Line One Pixel Width"}; char PAINT[]={"Fills An Area With Current Drawing Colour select draw color by right click"}; char RECTANGLE[]={"Draws A Rectangle"}; char ELLIPSE[]={"Draws An Ellipse"}; char LINE[]={"Draws A Straight Line"}; char POLYLINE[]={"Draws A Polygon"}; char COLOUR[]={"Left Click -> Foreground Color Right Click -> Background Color"}; char ERASER[]={"Erases A Portion Of Figure"}; char EXIT[]={"Quits Program"}; void initialize(); void structure(); int getresponse(); int check(); int initmouse(); void showmouseptr(); void restrictmouseptr(int,int,int,int); void getmousepos(); void hidemouseptr(); void freehand(); void rect(); void circ(); void lin(); void mypoly(); void paint(); void eraser(); void changemouseptr(int *); void printmousepos(); void New(); void Open(); int restore(int,int,int,int,char*); void Save(); void About(); void bressline ( int, int, int, int ); void bressline1( int, int, int, int); void drawline ( int , int , int , int , int , int ); void drawline1 ( int , int , int, int , int, int ); void Ellipse(int ,int ,int ,int ); void Ellipse1(int ,int ,int ,int ); void save(int,int ,int,int,char*); void clearline(); void main() { int pch=1; clrscr(); initialize(); structure(); showmouseptr(); while(1) { setcolor(fg); rectangle(35,40,600,450); ch=getresponse(); if(ch==0||ch==35) ch=pch; switch(ch) { case 1: rect(); break; case 2: freehand(); break; case 3: circ(); break; case 4: eraser(); break; case 5: lin(); break; case 6: paint(); break; case 7: mypoly(); break; case 30: if(ch!=pch) New(); break; case 31: if(ch!=pch) Open(); break; case 32: if(ch!=pch) Save(); break; case 33: if(ch!=pch) About(); break; case 34: if(ch!=pch) closegraph(); remove("c:/temp.tmp"); exit(0); default: if(button==1) { fg=ch-10; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,fg); setcolor(15); bar(2,445,17,465); rectangle(2,445,17,465); setcolor(fg); rectangle(35,40,600,450); } else if(button==2) { bg=ch-10; setcolor(15); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,bg); bar(10,455,25,475); rectangle(10,455,25,475); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,fg); bar(2,445,17,465); rectangle(2,445,17,465); setcolor(fg); } else setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,COLOUR); setcolor(fg); break; } if(ch>30&&ch<=33||ch>=10&&ch<=25) pch=pch; else pch=ch; } } void initialize() { initgraph(&gd,&gm,"e:\\turbo\\bgi"); if(initmouse()==0) { closegraph(); printf("\nMouse Driver is not present"); getch(); exit(0); } } initmouse() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); return(; } void showmouseptr() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void restrictmouseptr(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) {;; i.x.dx=x2; int86(0x33,&i,&o);;; i.x.dx=y2; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void getmousepos() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); button=o.x.bx;; y=o.x.dx; } void hidemouseptr() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void printmousepos() { int x1,y1,x2,y2,i,j,col; col=getcolor(); setcolor(11); x1=515+textwidth("x:"); y1=455+1; x2=x1+textwidth(str); y2=y1+textheight(str); for(i=x1;i<=x2;i++) for(j=y1;j<=y2;j++) putpixel(i,j,7); outtextxy(515,455,"x: y: "); sprintf(str,"%3d %3d",x-35,y-40); outtextxy(x1,y1,str); setcolor(col); } void changemouseptr ( int *shape ) { = 9 ; /* service number */ i.x.bx = 0 ; /* actual cursor position from left */ = 0 ; /* actual cursor position from top */ i.x.dx = ( unsigned ) shape ; /* offset address of pointer image */ segread ( &s ) ; = s.ds ; /* segment address of pointer */ int86x ( 0x33, &i, &i, &s ) ; } int check() { int row1,row2,i,flag=0,col1,col2; for(row1=100,i=1;i<=7;i++,row1=row1+45) { row2=row1+20; if(x>7&&x<27&&y>row1&&y<row2) { flag=1; goto down; } } for(row1=50,i=10;i<=25;i++,row1=row1+25) { row2=row1+20; if(x>610&&x<630&&y>row1&&y<row2) { flag=1; goto down; } } for(i=30;i<=34;i++) { if(i==30) { col2=260;col1=220; } else if(i==31) { col1=270;col2=310; } else if(i==32) { col1=320;col2=360; } else if(i==33) { col1=370;col2=420; } else { col1=427;col2=465; } if(x>col1&&x<col2&&y>20&&y<35) { if(button==1) { flag=1; break; } } } down: if(flag==1) return i; else return 0; } int getresponse() { int col,X; static int bn; static int pbn; static int flag; col=getcolor(); getmousepos(); bn=check(); if(bn>=0&&bn<=7||bn>=10) { if(pbn!=bn) { switch(pbn) { case 1: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,100,27,120); showmouseptr(); break; case 2: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,145,27,165); showmouseptr(); break; case 3: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,190,27,210); showmouseptr(); break; case 4: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,235,27,255); showmouseptr(); break; case 5: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,280,27,300); showmouseptr(); break; case 6: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,325,27,345); showmouseptr(); break; case 7: setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,370,27,390); showmouseptr(); break; case 0: clearline(); } } switch(bn) { case 1: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,100,27,120); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,RECTANGLE); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,100,27,120); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 2: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,145,27,165); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,PENCIL); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,145,27,165); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 3: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,190,27,210); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,ELLIPSE); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,190,27,210); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 4: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,235,27,255); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,ERASER); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,235,27,255); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 5: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,280,27,300); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,LINE); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,280,27,300); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 6: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,325,27,345); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,PAINT); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,325,27,345); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 7: if(pbn!=bn) { setcolor(RED); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,370,27,390); showmouseptr(); flag=0; outtextxy(35,457,POLYLINE); } else if(button==1) { setcolor(13); hidemouseptr(); rectangle(7,370,27,390); showmouseptr(); flag=1; } break; case 30: if(button==1) { flag=1; } else if(pbn!=bn) { clearline(); setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,NEW); flag=0; } break; case 31: if(button==1) { flag=1; } else if(pbn!=bn) { clearline(); setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,OPEN); flag=0; } break; case 32: if(button==1) { flag=1; } else if(pbn!=bn) { clearline(); setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,SAVE); flag=0; } break; case 33: if(button==1) { flag=1; } else if(pbn!=bn) { clearline(); setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,ABOUT); flag=0; } break; case 34: if(button==1) { flag=1; } else if(pbn!=bn) { clearline(); setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,457,EXIT); flag=0; } break; case 0: clearline(); default: flag=1; } } setcolor(col); pbn=bn; if(flag==1) { flag=0; return (bn); } else return (0); } void freehand() { int px=1,py=1,flag=0,but; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { changemouseptr(pencil); if(px!=x||py!=y) printmousepos(); if(button==1) { if(flag==0) { hidemouseptr(); flag=1; } else line(px,py,x,y); } else if(flag!=0) { showmouseptr(); flag=0; } px=x; py=y; } else { changemouseptr(hand); showmouseptr(); break; } } } void rect() { int ix,iy,fx,fy,px=1,py=1,but,flag=0,tx,ty,t=0; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { if(button==1 && t==0) { tx=x;ty=y; t=1; } changemouseptr(plus); if(px!=x||py!=y) printmousepos(); if(button==1&&flag==0) { ix=x;iy=y; flag=1; } else if(button==1 && flag==1 ) { fx=x;fy=y; hidemouseptr(); setcolor(fg); rectangle(tx,ty,fx,fy); setcolor(bg); rectangle(tx,ty,fx,fy); showmouseptr(); flag=0; } if(button!=1) { setcolor(fg); rectangle(tx,ty,fx,fy); t=0; } } else { if(t==1) { setcolor(fg); rectangle(tx,ty,fx,fy); } t==0; changemouseptr(hand); break; } px=x; py=y; } } void circ() { int ix,iy,but,flag=0,p,q,a,b,p1,q1,a1,b1,px,py; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { changemouseptr(pencil); if(px!=x||py!=y) { printmousepos(); } if(button==1) { if(flag==0) { hidemouseptr(); ix=x;iy=y; p1=q1=a1=b1=0; flag=1; } else { p=(ix+x)/2; q=(iy+y)/2; a=abs(ix-p); b=abs(iy-q); if(p1!=p||q1!=q) { Ellipse1(p1,q1,a1,b1); Ellipse(p,q,a,b); p1=p;q1=q;a1=a;b1=b; } } } else if(flag!=0) { showmouseptr(); flag=0; } px=x; py=y; } else { changemouseptr(hand); showmouseptr(); break; } } } void lin() { int ix,iy,px=1,py=1,but,flag=0; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { changemouseptr(pencil); if(px!=x||py!=y) { printmousepos(); } if(button==1) { if(flag==0) { hidemouseptr(); ix=px=x;iy=py=y; flag=1; } else { if(px!=x||py!=y) { bressline1(ix,iy,px,py); bressline(ix,iy,x,y); } } } else if(flag!=0) { showmouseptr(); flag=0; } px=x; py=y; } else { changemouseptr(hand); break; } } } void mypoly() { int ix,iy,fx,fy,px=1,py=1,but,flag=0; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { changemouseptr(pencil); if(px!=x||py!=y) printmousepos(); /* if(button==1&&flag==0) { ix=x;iy=y; flag=1; }*/ if(button==1) { hidemouseptr(); // line(ix,iy,x,y); lin(); showmouseptr(); ix=x; iy=y; } } else { changemouseptr(hand); break; } px=x; py=y; } } void paint() { int px=1,py=1,but; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,bg); while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=35&&x<=600&&y>=40&&y<=450) { changemouseptr(bottle); if(px!=x||py!=y) printmousepos(); if(button==1) { hidemouseptr(); floodfill(x,y,fg); showmouseptr(); } } else { changemouseptr(hand); break; } px=x; py=y; } } void eraser() { int but,px,py,i,j; while(1) { getmousepos(); if(x>=36&&x<=583&&y>=41&&y<=433) { changemouseptr(rubber); if(px!=x||py!=y) printmousepos(); if(button==1) { hidemouseptr(); for(i=y;i<=y+16;i++) for(j=x;j<=x+16;j++) { putpixel(j,i,bg); } showmouseptr(); } } else { changemouseptr(hand); break; } px=x; py=y; } } void structure() { int i,j,row; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); setcolor(15); bar(0,0,640,480); // screen back ground settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); for(i=0,row=50;i<=15;i++,row+=25) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,i); // color tool bars bar(610,row,630,row+20); rectangle(610,row,630,row+20); } setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); // draw tool bars setcolor(15); for(i=0,row=100;i<=6;i++,row+=45) { bar(7,row,27,row+20); rectangle(7,row,27,row+20); } setcolor(11); rectangle(9,104,25,116); // rectangle tool bar line(9,147,15,147); // pencil tool line(9,148,14,148); line(9,149,13,149); line(9,150,12,150); line(9,151,11,151); line(9,152,10,152); line(9,147,9,153); line(15,147,24,156); line(9,153,18,162); line(24,156,18,162); line(15,147,9,153); line(12,150,21,159); circle(17,200,8); // circle tool setcolor(11); // eraser tool setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,11); bar3d(9,246,17,252,8,1); setcolor(11); line(10,283,24,297); // line tool rectangle( 9,333,25,343); // fill area tool arc(17,333,0,180,7); line(12,388,22,388); // polygon tool line(12,388,9,380); line(22,388,25,380); line(17,372,25,380); line(17,372,9,380); fg=15; // assign colors bg=0; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,bg); // bottom corner symbol bar(10,455,25,475); setcolor(15); rectangle(10,455,25,475); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,fg); bar(2,445,17,465); rectangle(2,445,17,465); setcolor(fg); rectangle(35,40,600,450); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,bg); floodfill(320,240,fg); // outtextxy(230,20,"NEW OPEN SAVE ABOUT EXIT"); setcolor(0); bar(220,20,260,35); bar(270,20,310,35); bar(320,20,360,35); bar(370,20,420,35); bar(427,20,465,35); setcolor(15); rectangle(220,20,260,35); rectangle(270,20,310,35); rectangle(320,20,360,35); rectangle(370,20,420,35); rectangle(427,20,465,35); outtextxy(230,20,"NEW OPEN SAVE ABOUT EXIT"); } void bressline ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { int incdec, t, i ; if ( x1 > x2 ) { t = x1 ; x1 = x2 ; x2 = t ; t = y1 ; y1 = y2 ; y2 = t ; } dx = x2 - x1 ; dy = y2 - y1 ; if ( dx == 0 ) /* vertical line */ { if ( y1 > y2 ) { t = y1 ; y1 = y2 ; y2 = t ; } for ( i = y1,j=0 ; i <= y2 ; i++,j++ ) { buffer[j]=getpixel (x1,i); putpixel ( x1, i,fg) ; } return ; } if ( dy == 0 ) /* horizontal line */ { for ( i = x1,j=0 ; i < x2 ; i++ ,j++) { buffer[j]=getpixel (i,y1); putpixel ( i, y1, fg ) ; } return ; } /* 0 < m < 1 */ if ( dy < dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, INCR ) ; } /* m = 1 */ if ( dy == dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, INCR ) ; } /* 1 < m < infinity */ if ( dy > dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dx ; e = 2 * dx - dy ; e_inc = 2 * ( dx - dy ) ; drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDY, INCR ) ; } /* 0 > m > -1 */ if ( -dy < dx && dy < 0 ) { dy = -dy ; e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, DECR ) ; } /* m = -1 */ if ( dy == -dx && dy < 0 ) { dy = -dy ; e_noinc = ( 2 * dy ) ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, DECR ) ; } /* -1 > m > 0 */ if ( -dy > dx && dy < 0 ) { dx = -dx ; e_noinc = - ( 2*dx ) ; e = 2 * dx - dy ; e_inc = - 2 * ( dx - dy ) ; drawline ( x2, y2, x1, y1, PREDY, DECR ) ; } } void bressline1( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { int incdec, t, i ; if ( x1 > x2 ) { t = x1 ; x1 = x2 ; x2 = t ; t = y1 ; y1 = y2 ; y2 = t ; } dx = x2 - x1 ; dy = y2 - y1 ; if ( dx == 0 ) /* vertical line */ { if ( y1 > y2 ) { t = y1 ; y1 = y2 ; y2 = t ; } for ( i = y1,j=0 ; i <= y2 ; i++,j++ ) { putpixel ( x1, i, buffer[j] ) ; } return ; } if ( dy == 0 ) /* horizontal line */ { for ( i = x1,j=0 ; i < x2 ; i++ ,j++) { putpixel ( i, y1,buffer[j] ) ; } return ; } /* 0 < m < 1 */ if ( dy < dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline1( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, INCR ) ; } /* m = 1 */ if ( dy == dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline1( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, INCR ) ; } /* 1 < m < infinity */ if ( dy > dx && dy > 0 ) { e_noinc = 2 * dx ; e = 2 * dx - dy ; e_inc = 2 * ( dx - dy ) ; drawline1 ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDY, INCR ) ; } /* 0 > m > -1 */ if ( -dy < dx && dy < 0 ) { dy = -dy ; e_noinc = 2 * dy ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline1 ( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, DECR ) ; } /* m = -1 */ if ( dy == -dx && dy < 0 ) { dy = -dy ; e_noinc = ( 2 * dy ) ; e = 2 * dy - dx ; e_inc = 2 * ( dy - dx ) ; drawline1( x1, y1, x2, y2, PREDX, DECR ) ; } /* -1 > m > 0 */ if ( -dy > dx && dy < 0 ) { dx = -dx ; e_noinc = - ( 2*dx ) ; e = 2 * dx - dy ; e_inc = - 2 * ( dx - dy ) ; drawline1( x2, y2, x1, y1, PREDY, DECR ) ; } } void drawline ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pred, int incdec ) { int i, start, end, var ; if ( pred == PREDX ) { start = x1 ; end = x2 ; var = y1 ;} else { start = y1 ; end = y2 ; var = x1 ;} for ( i = start,j=0 ; i <= end ; i++,j++ ) { if ( pred == PREDY ) { buffer[j]=getpixel (var,i); putpixel ( var, i, fg ) ; } else { buffer[j]=getpixel (i,var); putpixel ( i, var, fg ) ; } if ( e < 0 ) e += e_noinc ; else { var += incdec ; e += e_inc ; } } } void drawline1 ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pred, int incdec ) { int i, start, end, var ; if ( pred == PREDX ) { start = x1 ; end = x2 ; var = y1 ; } else { start = y1 ; end = y2 ; var = x1 ; } for ( i = start,j=0 ; i <= end ; i++,j++ ) { if ( pred == PREDY ) { putpixel ( var, i,buffer[j]) ; } else { putpixel ( i, var, buffer[j] ) ; } if ( e < 0 ) e += e_noinc ; else { var += incdec ; e += e_inc ; } } } void Ellipse(int xc,int yc,int a0,int b0) { int x = 0; int y = b0; long a= a0; long b = b0; long Asquared = a*a; long TwoAsquared = 2 * Asquared; long Bsquared = b*b; long TwoBsquared = 2 * Bsquared; long d; long dx,dy; d = Bsquared - Asquared*b + Asquared/4; dx = 0; dy = TwoAsquared *b; j=0; while (dx < dy) { buffer[j]=getpixel(xc + x, yc + y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc - x, yc + y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc + x, yc - y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc - x, yc - y);j++; putpixel(xc + x, yc + y, fg); putpixel(xc - x, yc + y, fg); putpixel(xc + x, yc - y, fg); putpixel(xc - x, yc - y, fg); if (d > 0) { --y; dy -= TwoAsquared; d-=dy; } ++x; dx+=TwoBsquared; d += Bsquared + dx; } d += (3 *(Asquared-Bsquared)/2 -(dx+dy)) / 2; while (y >=0) { buffer[j]=getpixel(xc + x, yc + y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc - x, yc + y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc + x, yc - y);j++; buffer[j]=getpixel(xc - x, yc - y);j++; putpixel(xc + x, yc + y, fg); putpixel(xc - x, yc + y, fg); putpixel(xc + x, yc - y, fg); putpixel(xc - x, yc - y, fg); if (d < 0) { ++x; dx+= TwoBsquared; d+= dx; } --y; dy -= TwoAsquared; d+= Asquared - dy; } } void Ellipse1(int xc,int yc,int a0,int b0) { int x = 0; int y = b0; long a= a0; long b = b0; long Asquared = a*a; long TwoAsquared = 2 * Asquared; long Bsquared = b*b; long TwoBsquared = 2 * Bsquared; long d; long dx,dy; d = Bsquared - Asquared*b + Asquared/4; dx = 0; dy = TwoAsquared *b; j=0; while (dx < dy) { putpixel(xc + x, yc + y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc - x, yc + y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc + x, yc - y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc - x, yc - y,buffer[j]);j++; if (d > 0) { --y; dy -= TwoAsquared; d-=dy; } ++x; dx+=TwoBsquared; d += Bsquared + dx; } d += (3 *(Asquared-Bsquared)/2 -(dx+dy)) / 2; while (y >=0) { putpixel(xc + x, yc + y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc - x, yc + y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc + x, yc - y,buffer[j]);j++; putpixel(xc - x, yc - y,buffer[j]);j++; if (d < 0) { ++x; dx+= TwoBsquared; d+= dx; } --y; dy -= TwoAsquared; d+= Asquared - dy; } } void New() { hidemouseptr(); structure(); showmouseptr(); } void Open() { int i; char st[13]; setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); save(220,200,420,280,"c:/temp.tmp"); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,15); bar(220,200,420,280); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); bar(221,201,419,216); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); outtextxy(222,201," OPEN"); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); setcolor(8); outtextxy(222,230," Enter the File Name"); w=textwidth("a"); h=textheight("a"); bar(221,263,419,279); setcolor(15); outtextxy(320-(3*w),265,"< OK >"); setcolor(8); for(i=0;st[i-1]!='\n';i++) { st[i]=getch(); if(st[i]==13||i>11) { st[i]='\0'; break; } else if(st[i]==27) { goto Down; } st[i+1]='\0'; outtextxy(320-(6*w),245,st); } if(restore(36,41,599,449,st)==0) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,15); bar(220,200,420,280); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); bar(221,201,419,216); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); setcolor(15); outtextxy(222,201," ERROR!"); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); setcolor(8); outtextxy(265,239,"Incorrect File Name!"); bar(221,263,419,279); setcolor(15); getch(); Down: restore(220,200,420,280,"c:/temp.tmp"); } remove("c:/temp.tmp"); showmouseptr(); setcolor(fg); } void About() { int i,w,col; char st[13]; setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); save(200,195,435,285,"c:/temp.tmp"); setcolor(8); for(i=0;i<180;i++) { circle(320,240,i); delay(5); } setcolor(15); outtextxy(200,300,"KONERU LAKSHMAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING"); outtextxy(250,160,"CREATERS AND DEVELOPERS "); outtextxy(290,200,"SREEKANTH"); outtextxy(290,220,"SANTOSH"); outtextxy(290,240,"SURESH"); flushall(); getch(); setfillstyle(1,16); // restore(100,100,500,400,"c:/temp.tmp"); bar(50,50,500,430); remove("c:/temp.tmp"); showmouseptr(); setcolor(fg); } void Save() { int i,flag=0; char st[13]; setcolor(15); hidemouseptr(); save(220,200,420,280,"c:/temp.tmp"); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,15); bar(220,200,420,280); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); bar(221,201,419,216); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); outtextxy(222,201," SAVE"); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); setcolor(8); outtextxy(222,230," Enter the File Name"); w=textwidth("a"); h=textheight("a"); bar(221,263,419,279); setcolor(15); outtextxy(320-(3*w),265,"< OK >"); setcolor(8); for(i=0;st[i-1]!='\n';i++) { st[i]=getch(); if(st[i]==13||i>11) { st[i]='\0'; flag=1; break; } else if(st[i]==27) { goto Down; } st[i+1]='\0'; outtextxy(320-(6*w),245,st); } Down: restore(220,200,420,280,"c:/temp.tmp"); if(flag==1) { save(36,41,599,449,st); } showmouseptr(); setcolor(fg); } void save(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,char name[13]) { int i,j; char ch; FILE *fp; x=x2; y=y2; fp=fopen(name,"wb"); if(fp!=NULL) { for(i=x1;i<=x2;i++) for(j=y1;j<=y2;j++) { ch=getpixel(i,j); fputc(ch,fp); } fclose(fp); } } int restore(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, char name[13]) { char ch; int i,j; FILE *fp; fp=fopen(name,"rb"); if(fp!='\0') { for(i=x1;i<=x2;i++) for(j=y1;j<=y2;j++) { ch=fgetc(fp); putpixel(i,j,ch); } fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; } void clearline() { int i,j; setcolor(8); // for(i=457;i<=470;i++) // line(35,i,450,i); for(i=35;i<=450;i++) for(j=457;j<=470;j++) putpixel(i,j,8); }
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Don't ever give up.
Even when it seems impossible,
Something will always
pull you through.
The hardest times get even
worse when you lose hope.
As long as you believe you can do it, You can.
But When you give up,
You lose !
I DONT GIVE UP.....!!!
with regards
prem sasi kumar arivukalanjiam
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