Exception - Summary
- Exceptions identify errors
that arise in your program.
- Exceptions are objects of
subclasses of the Throwable class.
- Java includes a set of
standard exceptions that may be thrown automatically, as a result of
errors in your code, or may be thrown by methods in the standard classes
in Java.
- If a method throws
exceptions that aren’t caught, and aren’t represented by subclasses of the
Error class or by subclasses of
the RuntimeException
class, then
you must identify the exception classes in a throws clause in the method
- If you want to handle an
exception in a method, you must place the code that may generate the
exception in a try block. A method may have several try blocks.
- Exception handling code is
placed in a catch block that immediately follows the try block that contains the code
that can throw the exception. A try block can have multiple catch blocks that each deals with a different type of exception.
- A finally block is used to contain
code that must be executed after the execution of a try block, regardless of how the
try block execution ends. A finally block will always be
executed before execution of the method ends.
- You can throw an exception
by using a throw statement. You can throw an exception anywhere in a method. You can
also rethrow an existing exception in a catch block to pass it to the
calling method.
- You can define your own
exception classes that, in general, should be derived from the class Exception.
- Exceptions come in two
flavors: checked and unchecked.
- Checked exceptions include
all subtypes of Exception, excluding classes that extend RuntimeException.
- Checked exceptions are
subject to the handle or declare rule; any method that might throw a checked exception (including methods that invoke methods that
can throw a checked exception) must either declare the exception using the
throws keyword, or handle the
exception with an appropriate try/catch.
- Subtypes of Error or
RuntimeException are unchecked, so the compiler doesn’t enforce the handle
or declare rule. You’re free to handle them, and you’re free to declare
them, but the compiler doesn’t care one way or the other.
- If you use an optional finally block, it will always be
invoked, regardless of whether an exception in the corresponding try is thrown or not, and
regardless of whether a thrown exception is caught or not.
- The only exception to the finally-will-always-be-called rule
is that a finally will not be invoked if the JVM shuts down. That could happen if code from the try or catch blocks calls System.exit(), in which case the JVM will not start your finally block.
- Just because finally is invoked does not mean it
will complete. Code in the finally block could itself raise an exception or issue a System.exit().
- Uncaught exceptions propagate
back through the call stack, starting from the method where the exception
is thrown and ending with either the first method that has a corresponding
catch for that exception type or a
JVM shutdown (which happens if the
exception gets to main(), and main() is “ducking” the exception by declaring it).
- You can create your own
exceptions, normally by extending Exception or one of its subtypes. Your
exception will then be considered a checked exception, and the compiler
will enforce the handle or declare rule for that exception.
- All catch blocks must be ordered from most specific to most general. For example, if you have a catch clause for both IOException and Exception, you must put the catch for IOException first (in order, top to bottom in your code). Otherwise, the IOException would be caught by catch(Exception e), because a catch argument can catch the specified exception or any of its subtypes! The compiler will stop you from defining catch clauses that can never be reached (because it sees that the more specific exception will be caught first by the more general catch).
- Exceptions are caught by the
closest exception handler (for the try block from which the exception was thrown) specifying an appropriate
- An exception terminates the
block in which the exception occurred.
- A handler may rethrow the
object to an outer try block.
- catch( Exception exception )
catches all Exceptions
- catch( Throwable throwable )
catches all Exceptions and Errors
- If no handler matches a
particular thrown object, the search for a match continues in an enclosing
try block
- It is possible that the
handler that catches an exception may decide it cannot process the
exception. In this case, the handler can simply rethrow the exception. A throw followed by the exception object
name rethrows the exception.
- Even if a handler can
process an exception, and regardless of whether it does any processing on
that exception, the handler can rethrow the exception for further
processing outside the handler. A rethrown exception is detected by the
next enclosing try block (normally in a calling method) and is handled by an appropriate
exception handler (if there is one) listed after that enclosing try block.
- A throws clause lists the checked
exceptions that may be thrown from a method. A method may throw the indicated exceptions, or
it may throw subclass types. If a checked exception not listed in the throws clause is thrown, a syntax
error occurs.
- A powerful reason for using
inheritance with exceptions is to catch a variety of related errors easily with concise notation. One could
certainly catch each type of subclass exception object individually, but it is more
concise to simply catch the superclass exception object.
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