Friday, July 6, 2012

Parallel Processing :: Parallel Computing

Parallel Processing :: Parallel Computing 
Some notes materials :: 
               downloads    :
                                                   Intro to parallel processing and parallel computing 
                                      Parallel Computing Concept
                                      Parallel Processing 
                                                   sorry guys its and elective paper cant find more will update soon please be on touch please follow this   view  and do the required actions to be on touch

Parallel Processing and Computing
Sub Code: 322712(22)    Question Bank
Q 1. Give the Flynn’s classification of computers.
Q 2.Explain various types of parallelism.
Q 3. Explain Amdahl’s law of performance prediction in parallel processing.
Q 4. What is parallel processing? What are various types of parallel computers.
Q 5. Explain Moore’s law for enhancing the performance of processor in parallel processing.
Q 6.Describe the shared memory model and distributed memory model with bolck diagram.
Q 7.What is data dependency? How it is handled.
Q 8.what is the cache coherence? What are the different mechanism of cache coherence.
Q 9.What is cache coherence protocols.? Explain MESI protocol.
Q 1. What is data dependency?
Q 2. What is vector processor?
Q 3. What is control flow?
Q 4.What is pipeline hazards?
Q 5.What is VLIW processors?
Q 6. Write the description of CRAY -1.
Q 7. Classify different parallel computers.
Q 1. What is greedy routing algorithm?
Q 2 Describe perfect shuffle and inverse perfect shuffle networks with thir applications.
Q 3. What is the hypercube network? Describe routing in hypercunenetwork.
Q 4.Explain PRAM model with block diagram.
Q 5.What is data broadcasting?
Q 6.Explain parallel selection algorithm.
Q 7. What is a sorting network? Explain in detail.
Q 8. What is the parallel prefix computation?
Q 9. Explain recursive sorting algorithm.
Q 10. Explain butterfly network and permutation network.
Q 1. What is distributed shared memory?
Q 2. Design Butterfly distributed-memory machine that emulating the PRAM.
Q 3. Discuss type of emulation scheme of PRAM Emulations on the butterfly.
Q 4. Write notes on significance of emulation in architecture.
Q 5. Discuss Distributed-memory machine, with a butterfly multistage
Interconnection network, emulating the PRAM.
Q 6. Describe the idea of latency hiding in a multiprocessing system. And
Also explain the process of continuation.
Q 7. Write detail notes on parallel input output technology.
Q 8. Explain defects, faults, and failures.
Q 9. Explain defect level method and define fault modeling.
Q 10. Explain Error- level method in detail.
Q 11. Write short notes on Parallel Programming.
Q12. Explain parallelizing compilers in detail.
Q 13. Explain Data-Parallel Programming in detail?
Q 14. Explain the concept of Shared-variable programming.
Q 15. How communication processes acting upon parallel programming?
Q 16. Explain functional programming with reference to parallel processing.
Q 17. Write detail notes on Parallel Operating Systems.
Q 1. Explain min based butterfly processor.
Q 2.Describe the architecture of CRAY Y-MP Machine.
Q 3. Explain the architecture of CC-NUMA Stanford DASH.
Q 4.Explain Omega network based IBM SP2 machine.
Q 5. Explain fat free network based machine.
Q 6. Explain the hypercube based nCUBE3 processor.
Q 7. Desribe Distributed Array Processor (DAP).
Q 8. Explain Massively Parallel Goodyear MPP.
Q 9. Describe the mechanism for message passing in MIMD machine.
Q10 . Explain Parallel operating system.

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