Friday, July 6, 2012

HS2111 TECHNICAL ENGLISH notes syllabus question papers

notes - syllabus - question papers 
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General Vocabulary  -  changing words from one form to another  -  Adjectives
comparative adjectives – Adverbs - Active and passive voice – Tenses - simple present,
present continuous  -  Adverb forms  –  Nouns  –  compound nouns  -  Skimming and
scanning - Listening and transfer of information – bar chart, flowchart - Paragraph
writing, description – Discussing as a group and making an oral report on the points
discussed, conversation techniques - convincing others.

 Suggested activities:
1. Matching words & meanings - Using words in context – Making sentences.
2. Changing sentences from active to passive voice & vice versa.
3. Skimming, cloze exercises, exercises  transferring information from text to graphic
form – bar charts, flow charts.
4. Writing descriptions using descriptive words & phrases, and technical vocabulary.
5. Role play, conversation exercises, discussions, oral reporting exercises Any other
related relevant classroom activity.


Vocabulary – prefixes & suffixes – simple past tense - Spelling and punctuation – ‘wh’
Question forms - Scanning, inference - Listening & note-taking - Paragraph writing -
comparison and contrast - Creative thinking and speaking.

Suggested Activities:
1. Vocabulary activities using prefixes and suffixes.
b. Exercises using questions – asking & answering questions.
2. Scanning the text for specific information
3. Listening guided note-taking  -  Writing paragraphs using  notes, giving  suitable
headings and subheadings for paragraphs. Using expressions of  comparison and
4. Discussion activities and exploring creative ideas.  Any other related relevant
classroom activity

Tenses - simple past, simple future and past perfect - Reading in Context -Listening &
note-taking  –  single line  –  Definitions  –  sequencing of sentences  –  instruction  -
Persuasive speaking.
Suggested activities:
1. Providing appropriate context for the use of tenses
2. Listening and note-taking
3. (a) Writing sentence definitions, instructions
(b) Identifying the discourse links and sequencing jumbled sentences /  writing
4. Speaking exercises, discussions, role play exercises using explaining,  convincing
and persuasive strategies Any other related relevant classroom activity

Modal verbs and Probability – Concord subject verb agreement – Correction of errors -

Cause and effect expressions – Extended Definition - Speaking about the future plans.

Suggested activities:
1. a. Making sentences using modal verbs to express probability
b. Gap filling using relevant grammatical form of words.
2. Writing extended definitions
3. Speaking  -  role play activities, discussions, extempore speaking exercises
speculating about the future.
4. Any other related relevant classroom activity
‘If’ conditionals – Gerunds - Intensive reading - Speaking – Presentation of problems &
solutions - Itinerary – planning for an industrial visit - Formal Letter writing – Letter to
the editor, invititation letter, accepting, declining letter and permission letter.

Suggested activities:
1.Sentence completion exercises using ‘If’ conditionals.
b) Gap filling exercises using gerunds and present participle forms
2. Reading comprehension exercises.
3. Role play, discussion, debating and speaking activities for stating, discussing
problems and suggesting solutions.
4. Planning a tour, Writing a travel itinerary. Writing letters to officials and to the
editor in formal/official contexts.
Any other related relevant classroom activity

1. Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Anna University, ‘English for
Engineers and Technologists’ Combined Edition (Volumes 1 & 2), Chennai: Orient
Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2006. Themes 1 – 4 (Resources, Energy, Computer, Transport)

1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, ‘Technical Communication English skills
for Engineers’, Oxford University Press, 2008.
2. Andrea, J. Rutherford, ‘Basic Communication Skills for Technology’, Second
Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

1. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari, ‘Wings of Fire’ An Autobiography, University
Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.,1999, 30th Impression 2007.

The book given under Extensive Reading is meant for inculcating the reading habit of
the students. They need not be used for testing purposes.

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