Wednesday, October 10, 2012

FOSS Lab list of experiments

FOSS Lab list of experiments 

1.Write a python program to find the Fibonacci series .

2.Write a python program to find the factorial of the given number.

3.Create a library book detail with following details
Book Title
Author Name
Book Cost

Populate the table with atleast 5 records.Display the books title whose cost is greater than 200 using python programming.

4. Write a perl program to display the age of a person by giving the DOB.
5. Create a student  record  detail with following details and perform the following operations in that record using perl.

Student RollNo
Student Name

i)Insert  6-10 records .
ii)Update any record and display the modification in that record

6.Write a PHP program to display a  multiplication table using Nested loop.

7. Write a PHP program to verify the user accounts in a database using LOGIN form.

8.Install a printer using CUPS.

9. Install a printer using SAMBA.
10.Write a simple GUI program using QT toolkit.
11. Create a GAMBAS form to perform simple arithmetic operations.
12.Install and run a guest OS within QEMU-Virtualisation.
13.Create a file system user space using FUSE system.
14.Configure Network interface controller through Command line.
15.Compile a source file using Cmake file.

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