Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Computer Graphics Lab List Of experiments

Computer Graphics Lab List Of experiments 


Subject Code   : CS76                                                 
Subject Name : Computer Graphics lab                                          
List of Programs

1.      Write a C program to implement Bresenhams line drawing algorithm.
2.      Write a C program to implement Bresenhams circle drawing algorithm.
3.      Write a C program to implement Bresenhams ellipse drawing algorithm.
4.      Write a C program to implement the Line, Circle and ellipse attributes by drawing "House".
5.      Write a C program to do two Dimensional transformations - Translation, Reflection, and Shear.
6.      Write a C program to do two Dimensional transformations - Rotation (With and without pivot point), Scaling (With and without pivot point).
7.      Write a C program to do composite 2D Transformations – Translation, Scaling, Rotation.
8.      Write a C program to do composite 2D Transformations –fixed point scaling, fixed point rotation.
9.      Write a C program to implement Cohen Sutherland 2D line clipping algorithm.
10.  Write a C program to implement Sutherland – Hodgeman Polygon clipping Algorithm.
11.  Write a C program to do three dimensional transformations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling.
12.  Write a C program to do composite 3D transformations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling.
13.  Write a C program to do the projection of the 3D image.
14.  Write an OpenGL program to draw a chain of diamonds.
15.  Write an OpenGL program to draw village of houses.
16.  Write an OpenGL program to 'n' random sierpinski gaskets.
17.  Write an OpenGL program to create checker board effect.
18.  Write an OpenGL program to draw flurry of diamonds in random color at random positions.
19.  Write an OpenGL program to draw random constellation of points within a window boundary.
20.  Write an OpenGL program to draw at least four basic graphics primitives.
21.  Write an OpenGL program to draw three dimensional objects.
22.  Write an OpenGL program to draw three dimensional scenes.
23.  Write an OpenGL program to do window to view port mapping.
24.  Write an OpenGL program to implement color models.
25.  Write an OpenGL program to generate Mandelbrot set.
26.  Write an OpenGL program to generate Filled-in Julia set.

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