Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How does the Gate 2013 Page looks

The current appearence of the GATE - 2013 application online form  ::::::

You are logged in as:
Candidate Application Form
Important Instructions
Carefully read the instructions given in Eligibility for GATE while filling up the application form. Ensure your eligibility criteria and check other certificates/requirements that need to be uploaded along with the application form. Carefully look for the fields marked in red. Make sure that java script is enabled on your browser.

GATE 2013 Exam Details
Both the exam city choices must be different

Applicant's Personal Details
Enter maximum of 30 characters without any special characters
Select the appropriate gender
Enter maximum of 30 characters without any special characters
If you are an Indian citizen, then select "Indian" else select "Other" for Non-Indian
citizens including those holding Non-Indian passport, PIO/ OCI status
Applicants belonging to SC/ST should submit Valid Category certificate as Proof.
PD Applicants should submit Valid PD certificate as Proof.
Applicable only for Physically Disabled

Communication Details
Enter your mobile number (Example Mobile Number - 98xxxxxx65)
(This address will be used to send your score card in March 2013. Please choose a reliable address to receive it. It must be a valid Indian address.)
No commas or special character allowed
Enter PIN code of correspondence, PIN code in India must be restricted to 6 digits.
This is usually your parents' residential State, and can be different from your current correspondence address. If it is outside India, choose "Other".

Qualifying Degree Details
Please select year of graduation to be current year or earlier if you have already graduated or completed your requirements for a degree.
No commas or special character allowed

Upload Supporting Documents
Photograph size should not exceed 200 KB and only jpeg/jpg/png/tiff formats are allowed. WARNING : You will not be shown a preview of the photograph you upload. You cannot make any changes to the photograph after upload. you must make sure you have chosen the correct file.
Signature size should not exceed 200 KB and only jpeg/jpg/png/tiff formats are allowed. WARNING : You will not be shown a preview of the signature you upload. You cannot make any changes to the signature after upload. you must make sure you have chosen the correct file.
(If applicable, you may upload the certificate here)
Eligibility Certificate size should not exceed 300 KB and only pdf formats are allowed.
(If applicable, you may upload the certificate here)
Category Certificate size should not exceed 300 KB and only pdf formats are allowed.
(If applicable, you may upload the certificate here)
Physical Disability Certificate size should not exceed 300 KB and only pdf formats are allowed.
Rs 0

I have read the Information Brochure and I shall abide by the terms and conditions stated therein. I hereby declare that all the particulars stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact in my application form. I understand that I will be denied the opportunity to appear in GATE 2013.
Data once submitted can not be modified at later point of time. Kindly verify the details filled in the application form before pressing the "Submit & Proceed Button"

Hackerx Sasi
Don't ever give up.
Even when it seems impossible,
Something will always
pull you through.
The hardest times get even
worse when you lose hope.
As long as you believe you can do it, You can.

But When you give up,
You lose !
I DONT GIVE UP.....!!!

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life - it goes on......
with regards
prem sasi kumar arivukalanjiam

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