Sunday, August 12, 2012

comparing strings || determining string lengths || combining strings || structures :: C Programming

topics :
1)comparing strings 
2)determining string lengths. 
3) combining strings 

Comparing 2 strings:>> In c it is not possible to directly compare two strings so a statement like if (string1==string2) is not valid.
Most c libraries contain a function called the strcmp().This is used to compare two strings in the following manner.

puts("The names are the same");
puts("The names are not the same.");

Determining string length.:>> This is done using the strlen() function.

a simple programming bit showing this function looks like this:

printf("the string %s has %d characters",name,count);

Combining strings:>>We use the function strcpy() an example follows:


strcpy(name1,"and eve");

The assumption being that adam and eve are two values of the variables name1 and name2. The end result is the combination of the 2 names.
What are structures?
A structure variable is a collection of other variables comprising different types.
What are pointers?

Ponters are variables which refer to the memory locations of other variables.

This is how a structure is defined.


struct cd
char name[20];
char description[40];
char category[12];
float cost;
int number;

Notice how the main function comes after the definition of the structure. In the example above the cd was a cd disk and I was writing the definition of a cd collection program.

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