Saturday, August 18, 2012

c program to add two numbers || Addition of Two numbers c code

c program to add two numbers

C program to add two numbers: This c language program perform the basic arithmetic operation of addition on two numbers and then prints the sum on the screen. For example if the user entered two numbers as 5, 6 then 11 ( 5 + 6 ) will be printed on the screen.

C programming code

   int a, b, c;
   printf("Enter two numbers to add\n");
   c = a + b;
   printf("Sum of entered numbers = %d\n",c);
   return 0;
Add numbers program executable.

Output of program

Enter two numbers to add
Sum of entered numbers is = 9

Addition without using third variable

   int a = 1, b = 2;
   /* Storing result of addition in variable a */
   a = a + b;
   /* Not recommended because original value of a is lost  
    * and you may be using it some where in code considering it 
    * as it was entered by the user. 
   printf("Sum of a and b = %d\n", a);
   return 0;

C program to add two numbers repeatedly

   int a, b, c;
   char ch;
      printf("Enter values of a and b\n");
      c = a + b;
      printf("a + b = %d\n", c);
      printf("Do you wish to add more numbers(y/n)\n");
      scanf(" %c",&ch);
      if ( ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y' )
   return 0;

Adding numbers in c using function

We have used long data type as it can handle large numbers.
long addition(long, long);
   long first, second, sum;
   scanf("%ld%ld", &first, &second);
   sum = addition(first, second);
   printf("%ld\n", sum);
   return 0;
long addition(long a, long b)
   long result;
   result = a + b;
   return result;

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