Ex. No. :1.1
To study UNIX command that works with the directory and files.
- Command : mkdir
Syntax : mkdir [directory_name]
Description : Create a new directory in the specified name
Example : mkdir unix
Output :
[root@localhost student]# mkdir kamaraj
- Command : cd
Syntax : cd [directory_name]
Description : Used to change from working directory to another directory
Example : cd kamaraj
Output :
[root@localhost student]# cd kamaraj
[student@localhost kamaraj]$
- Command : rmdir
Syntax : rmdir [directory_name]
Description : Used to remove the specified directory
Example : rmdir kamraj
Output :
[root@localhost student]# rmdir kamraj
Command : cat
Syntax : cat [option(s)] [file(s)]
Description : List the content of the specified file
Example1 : cat > file.txt [ Creates the file with the specified file name]
Output :
[root@localhost student]# cat > file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Information Technology
Unix Programming
[root@localhost student]#
Command : wc
Syntax : wc [option(s)] [file(s)]
Description : Used to count the number of lines, words and characters in a file of a group of file.
Example : wc file.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# wc file.txt
3 13 96 file.txt
- Command : less
Syntax : less [file name]
Description : Writes to the file onto the screen a page at a time. Press the [space-bar] if you want to see another page, and type [q] if you want to quit reading. Less is preferred for long file
Example : less file.txt
Output :
- Command : head
Syntax : head –option [file name]
Description : Writes the first ten line of the file to the screen
Example : head stringmanip.sh
Output :
[root@localhost student]# head stringmanip.sh
len=`echo $1 | wc -c`
len=`expr $len - 1`
echo "Length of the given string is $len"
len=`echo $1 | wc -c`
- Command : tail
Syntax : tail –option [file name]
Description : Writes the last ten line of the file to the screen
Example : tail stringmanip.sh
Output :
[root@localhost student]# tail stringmanip.sh
3) stringcmp "$str"
4) stringconcat "$str"
5) stringrev "$str"
6) exit
- Command : grep
Syntax : grep [pattern] [filename]
Description : It searches the specified pattern or word in the given file
Example : grep Unix file.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# cat file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Information Technology
Unix Programming
[root@localhost student]# grep Unix file.txt
Unix Programming
- Command : rm
Syntax : rm –option [file name]
Description : It deletes the specified file
Example : rm rfile.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# cat rfile.txt
file command
directory command
filter command
[root@localhost student]# rm rfile.txt
[root@localhost student]# cat rfile.txt
cat: rfile.txt: No such file or directory
Command : cp
Syntax : cp [source file name] [destination file name]
Description : Copies source file to destination file
Example : cp file.txt cpfile.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# cp file.txt cpfile.txt
- Command : mv
Syntax : mv [source filename] [destination filename]
Description : Moves the entire content from source file to destination file
Example : mv file.txt cpfile.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# mv file.txt cpfile.txt
- Command : chmod
Syntax : chmod [option] [filename]
Description : To change the file permissions of the file
Example : chmod a+r cpfile.txt
Output :
[root@localhost student]# ls -l cpfile.txt
--w--w--w- 1studentstudent 96 Nov 21 10:12 cpfile.txt
[root@localhost student]# chmod a+r cpfile.txt
[root@localhost student]# ls -l cpfile.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1studentstudent 96 Nov 21 10:12 cpfile.txt
Don't ever give up.
Even when it seems impossible,
Something will always
pull you through.
The hardest times get even
worse when you lose hope.
As long as you believe you can do it, You can.
But When you give up,
You lose !
I DONT GIVE UP.....!!!
with regards
prem sasi kumar arivukalanjiam
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