User Interface Design cs213 2marks 16marks Question Bank
1) Define User Interface? What are the two components in User Interface?
User interface is a collection of techniques and mechanisms to interact with something
.It has 2 components :Input and Output. Input is how the person communicate his or her needs to
the computer. Output is how the computer convey the result of its computations and requirement
to the user.
2) What is meant by GUI?
GUI is a collection of techniques and mechanisms to interact with pointing device of
some kind.
3) What are the principles of graphical user interface design?
Aesthetically pleasing
Trade - offs
4) Define Pick and Click Interaction?
To identify an element for a proposed action.
The signal to perform an action.
(Ex)The user moves the mouse pointer to the relevant element (pick) and the action is
5) What are the human characteristics in design?
Sensory storage
Visual acuityFoveal and peripheral vision
Information processing
Mental models
Movement control
Individual difference
6) What is an object? Explain its types?
Object is an entity. It can be manipulated as a single unit.
Data Object:
It presents information. This information is either text or graphics.
Container Object:
It hold other objects. They are used to group2 or more related objects for easy
access and retrieval.
Device Object:
It represent physical objects in the real world such as printers, trash
7) Mention the user task and job?
Type of system use
Frequency of use
Task or need importance
Task structure
Social interaction
Primary training
Turn over rate
Job category
Life style
8) Define Property/ Attribute Specification? Explain its Sequence?
Property/attribute specification action establish or modify the attributes or properties of
(ex)Selecting cascaded windows to be displayed, a particular font style, and color
property/attribute specification sequence.
9) Define Concurrent performance of function?.
The system may divide the processing power into tie slices and allocate portion to each
Graphic system may do 2 or more things at one time.
Multiple programs may run simultaneously10) What is User Assistance in Web Interface Design?
It cannot provide with help system
Customer service support, if provided is generally oriented to the product or service
11) Write a note on consistency?
Consistency is important because it can reduce requirements for human leaving by
allowing skills learned in one situation to be transferred to another like it.
It also aids learning of the system’s mental model.
12) Explain the Types of Compatibility?
User compatibility: Design must be appropriate and compatible with the needs of the user
or client.
Task and job compatibility: The organization of a system should match the tasks a person
must do to perform the job.
Product compatibility: While compatibility across products must always be considered in
relation to improving interfaces, making new systems compatible with the existing
13) What is meant by Transparency?
Permit the user to focus on the task or job, without concern for the mechanics of the
interface .i.e working inside the computer should be invisible to the user.
14) Explain five ways to provide Simplicity?
Use progressive disclosure, hiding things until they are needed.
Present common and necessary function first.
Prominently feature important functions.
Hide more sophisticated and less frequently used functions
Provide defaults
Minimize screen alignment points.
Make common actions simple at the expense of uncommon actions being made harder.
Provide uniformity and consistency.
15) what is meant by human-computer interaction
Human –Computer interaction is the study, planning and design of how people and
computer work together so that a persons’ needs are satisfied in the most effective way.
16) what are the benefits of good design
To improve screen clarity and readability
It reduces the decision making time.
Training costs are lowered because short period of training.
Identifying and resolving problems during the design and development provide economic
benefits.17) Mention any 2 advantages of graphical system.
Symbols recognized faster than text:
The symbols can be recognized faster and more quickly than text and
that the graphical attributes quickly classifying the objects.
Faster learning:
Graphical ,pictorial representation aids learning and symbols can also be easily learned.
18)what are the visually presented elements in a graphically system?
The meaningful interface elements visually presented to the user in a graphical system
Screen based controls
Mouse pointer and cursor.
19)Define visualization?
It is cognitive process that allows people to understand information that is difficult to
perceive, because it is either too voluminous or too abstract.
20)what are the goals of web interface design.
It is to build a hierarchy of menus and pages that well structured.
It is a navigation environment where people move between pages of information.
It is graphically rich environment.
21)What is meant by web interface design.
It is essentially the design of navigation and the presentation of information. Proper
interface design is a matter of properly balancing the structure and relationships of menus,
content and other linked documents or graphics.
22)What are the similarities between GUI and web interface design.
Both are software design
Both are used by people.
They are interactive.
Both are heavily visual experiences presented through screens.
Both are composed of many similar components.
23)Write any 2 difference between GUI and web page design.
GUI DESIGN WEB DESIGN In GUI design, the characteristics
of interface devices such as
monitor and modem are well
designed and screen appear exactly
as specified.
GUI users navigate through
structured menus, lists, screens
dialogs and wizards. It is weekly
established concept.
In web design, user devices may
range from handheld mechanism
to high end work station. It will be
greatly influenced by both the
hardware and software.
Web users navigate through links,
bookmarks and typed URLs. It is
a significant and highly visible
24)Write any 2 difference between printed page vs web pages
Printed pages Web pages
Printed pages are presented as
complete entities and their
entire contents are available for
reading or review immediately.
Printed page layout is precise
Navigating printed materials is
page turning and interaction
between pages are rare.
Web page elements rendered
slowly depending upon
transmission speeds and page
Web page layout is
Navigating the web requires
many possible links and
interaction between pages
25) Differentiate the term internet, intranet.
The users of intranets being
organization employees know more
about the organization
It is used for an organization’s
everyday activities
The need for cross-platform
compatibility is minimized
Internet sites are used by
customers and others who know
mush less about the organization
It is used to find information.
The need for cross-platform
compatibility is maximized.
26) Differentiate the term Internet, Intranet and Extranet.Internet:
It is a huge network of computer networks.
Within Organization internal network over a shared infrastructure using dedicated
An extranet is a special set of intranet that can be accessed by authorized persons from
outside an organization or company.
27)What are the benefits of flexible system.
It provides multiple ways to access application functions and perform tasks.
It increases the user control
Permit people to choose the method of interaction.
1) What are importance of screen design?
Importance of screen design should answer the following questions:
We don’t care?
We don’t possess common sense
We don’t have the time?
We still don’t know what really makes good design?
2) Benefits of good design?
Improves screen clarity
Improve readability
Separate items
Reduced decision making time
Lower training cost
Increased employee satisfaction
Customers benefit due to improved service
Economic benefits
3) Characteristics of graphical user interface design?
The graphical user interface
The popularity of graphics
The concept of direct manipulation
Graphical system advantage and disadvantage
Characteristics of graphical user interface
4) Mention the advantage and disadvantage of graphical systems?
Symbols recognized faster than text
Faster learning
Faster use and problem solving
Easier remembering
More natural
Exploits visual/spatial cues
Fasters more concentrate thinking
Provide contextFewer errors
Increased feeling of control
Immediate feedback
Predictable system responses
Easily reversible actions
More attractive
May consume less space
Replaces national languages
Low typing requirements
Smooth transition from command language system
Greater design complexity
Learning still necessary
Lack of experimentally- derived design guidelines
Inconsistencies in technique and terminology
Working domain is the present
Not always familiar
Human comprehension limitation
Production limitation
Inefficient for touch typists
Inefficient for expert users
Not always fastest style of interaction
May consume more screen space
Human limitation
1) Explain briefly about the Characteristics of GUI?
Sophisticated Visual presentation
Pick and click interaction
Restricted set of interface options
Object orientation
Use of recognition memory
Concurrent performance of functions
2) Mention the Advantages and Disadvantages of GUI/Graphical systems in detail?
Symbols are recognized faster than text
Faster learning
Faster use and problem solving
Easier remembering
More natural Exploits visual/Spatial cues
Fewer errors
More attractive
May consume less space
Low typing requirements
Immediate feedback
Greater design complexity
Learning still necessary
Lack of experimentally derived guidelines
Not always familiar.
Working domain is the present.
Inconsistencies in techniques and terminology
May consume more screen space
Inefficient for expert users.
Few tested icons exist.
Hardware limitations
Production limitations
3) Write a detail note on Characteristics of Web User Interface?
GUI vs Web page design
GUI vs Web interface design
Printed page vs Web page
Intranet vs Internet
4) Explain the general principles of User Interface Design?
Aesthetically Pleasing
Trade-offs5) Write short note on web user interface.
Reasons for difficulty
1) What is meant by Visual Acuity?
The capacity of the eye to resolve details is called visual acuity. Visual acuity is
approximately halved at a distance of 2.5 degrees from the point of eye fixation.
2) Differentiate Short Term and Long Term Memory?
Short-term memory Long term memory
It contains limited amount of
It receives information from either
the senses or long term memory
It contains unlimited information
It receives information from short
term through learning process
3) What are the direct method in requirement analysis?
The direct method consists of
Individual face to face interview
Telephone Interview or survey
Traditional Focus group
Facilitated team Workshop
Observational field study
Requirements prototyping
Usability Laboratory testing
4) What are the indirect method in requirement analysis?
The indirect methods include
Paper survey
Electronic survey
Electronic focus group
Marketing and sales
Support Line
Email or Bulletin Board
System Testing
5) Write a note on Grouping?
Grouping screen elements aids in establishing structure, meaningful relationships
and meaningful form.
Groupings aids in information recall and results in a faster screen search7) Write a note on Scrolling and paging?
Avoid scrolling to determine page contents
A page’s subject should be immediately recognizable
Elements crucial to identifying
Minimize vertical scrolling
Avoid horizontal scrolling
Encourage viewing the page through”paging”
Create a second version of a website, one consisting of individual screen that are
viewed through “paging”
8) What is meant by Completion aid?
Completion aid are a form of instruction but they are directed to the content of specific
entry field control and the content’s format. As with instructions, the decision whether or not to
include text entry control completion aids will be dependent upon the experience of the user, the
frequency of screen use and the nature of information itself.
9) What is known as Tabbing?
When a screen is first presented , the cursor must be positioned in the first field or control
in which information can be entered. Tabbing order must then follow the flow of information as
it is organized on the screen.
10) What is meant by Auto Skipping? State its structure.
11) What is meant by Verbal linkage and Spatial Linkage?
Verbal linkage and spatial linkage both may be used to provide navigation
Verbal linkage involves providing on the current menu screen, a listing of choices
made on previous menus that have lead to this position.
Spatial linkage can be displayed overlapping the previous menu screen so a
succession of choices can be seen in a single view
12) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cascading Menu?
The top level menu, are simplified because some choices are hidden
Move first letter mnemonics are available because menu possess fewer
Access to submenu items requires more steps and a change in pointer movement
Exhaustive browsing is more difficult.
13) What is meant by keyboard accelerator?
The accelerator may be one function key or a combination of keys. For frequently used
items, provide a key board accelerator to facilitate keyboard selection.14) What is meant by Toggled Menu items? What are the advantages and Disadvantages?
A toggled menu item is one menu item command that toggles back and forth
between the current state and its alternatives state.
Use to designate 2 opposite commands that are accessed frequently.
Use when the menu item displayed will clearly indicate that the opposite
condition currently exists.
o It shortens menu
o Decrease Visual Clutter
o Provide Quicker access.
o Limited in use.
o The opposite action reflecting the current state of the attribute is not visible can
cause uncertainty for novice users.
18) Write a note on Keyboard Accelerators?
The accelerators may be one function key or a combination of keys. For frequently used
items, provide a key board accelerator to facilitate keyboard selection.
19) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pull-down Menu?
20) What are the common pitfalls in the design process.
The common pitfalls are
No early analysis and understanding of the user’s needs and expectations
Little or no creation of design element prototypes
No Usability testing
No common design team vision of user interface design goals
Poor communication between members of the development team
21) Define usability.
Usability describes the effectiveness of human performance. It can be defined as ”the
capability to be used by humans easily and effectively”
Easily=to a specified level of subjective assessment
Effectively=to a specified level of human performance
23) What are the common usability problems.
The common usability problems are,
Ambiguous menus and icons
Highlighting and selection limitations
Unclear step sequence
Complex linkage between and within applications
Inadequate feedback and confirmation
24) Identify human characteristics in design.
The important human characteristics in design are
perception, memory,
visual acuity,
foveal and peripheral vision,
sensory storage,
information processing,
learning, skill and individual differences
25) Define mental model.
It is an internal representation of a person’s current conceptualization and understands of
something. Mental model are gradually developed in order to understand, explain and do
26) What are the guidelines for designing conceptual model.
Reflect the user’s mental model
Provide action-response compatibility
Provide proper and correct feedback
Provide design consistency
Provide documentation and a help system that will reinforce the
conceptual model
Promote the development of both novice and expert mental models.
27) What are system training tools.
System training will be based on users needs, system conceptual design, system
learning goals and system performance goals. Training may include tools such as video training,
manuals, online tutorials, reference manuals, quick reference guides and online help.
28) What are the goals of interface design.
The goals in interface design are,
Reduce visual work
Reduce intellectual work
Reduce memory work
Reduce motor work
Minimize or eliminate any burdens
29) What is test for a good design.
It simply involves the use of display techniques, consistent location of elements, the
proper use of “white space” and groupings and an understanding of visually pleasing
composition. The best interface makes everything on the screen easily seen.
30)How to achieve clarity.
Clarity is influenced by a multiple factors, such as consistency in design, visually
pleasing composition, a logical and sequential ordering, and the presentation of the proper
amount of information, groupings and alignment of screen items.
31)What are the qualities in visually pleasing composition.Visually pleasing composition contains following qualities such as
simplicity and
32)What are the types of statistical graphics.
The various types of statistical graphics are,
Curve and line graphs
Surface charts
Scatter plots
Bar graphs
Segmented or stacked bars
Pie charts
33)What are the elements of screen
Elements of a screen include
control captions,
the data or information displayed on the screen,
instructional information and the
screen’s title.
34)What are the guidelines for browsing.
Facilitate scanning
Provide multiple layers of structure
Make navigation easy
Respect the user’s desire to leave
Upon returning, help the user reorient themselves.
35) What are the components of a statistical graphic.
Graphics have at least 2 axes, 2 scales, an area to present the data, title, legend and key.
36)What are the structures of menus.
A menu structure defines the amount of control given to the user in performing a task.
The most common structure are,
Single menu
Sequential linear menus Simultaneous menus
Hierarchical menus
Connected menus
Event trapping menus
37)What are the functions of menus.
Menu can be used to perform several functions such as,
Navigate to new menus
Execute an action or procedure
Display information
Data or parameter input
38) What are the guidelines for menu title.
The guidelines for menu title,
main menu
Create a short simple, clear title describing the purpose of
The title must be worded exactly the same as the menu choice.
Locate the title at the top of the listing choices.
Spell out the title using either an uppercase font or mixed case
39)What is meant by keyboard equivalents.
Keyboard equivalent have meaningful associations with their corresponding choice will
be more easily learned and remembered. To facilitate keyboard selection of a menu choice, each
menu item should be assigned a keyboard equivalent mnemonic.
40)What is the purpose of mask toggles.
It is used to designate menu item or feature is active or inactive over a
relatively long period of time.
When it is active an indicator is displayed adjacent to the item description.
For nonexclusive choice, a check mark is displayed.
For mutually exclusive diamond or circle is displayed.
When the item is no active, no mark or symbol will appear.
41) What are the navigation goals.
A well designed navigation system facilitates quick and easy
navigation between components whose structure and relationship
are easily understandable.
Navigation tool, will minimize the problem associated with mental
overload and feelings of disorientation.
42) What are the menu navigation aids. Menu navigation aids menu navigation and learning and provide an easily
It includes menu maps, look-ahead and navigation history.
Menu maps or overview of the Menu Hierarchy.
A “look head” at the next level of choices, alternatives will be presented
when a currently viewed choice is selected.
Navigation history that summarizes the menu choices made leading to the
currently displayed menu or screen
It improves learning and performances and reduces feelings of
43) What are the various kinds of graphical menus.
The various kinds of menus are,
Menu bar
Pull down menu
Cascading menu
Pop-up menu
Tear off menu
Iconic menu
Pie menu
44) What are the adv and disadvantages of menu bar.
Menu bar easy to locate consistently on the screen.
Menu bar not hidden by windows and dialog boxes.
It allow for use of keyboard equivalents.
They consume a full row of screen space
The menu options are smaller than full size buttons, slowing, selection time
Horizontal orientation is less efficient for scanning and limits the number of
choices that can be deployed.
45) Define Pull-down menus.
Pull down menus are first level menus used to provide access to common and
frequently used application action, that take on a wide variety of different windows.
Selection of an alternative from the menu bars result is the display of the exact
actions available to the user.
These choices are displayed in a vertical ly arrayed listing that appears to pull down
from the bar.
46) What are the advantages of Pop-up menus.
The advantages of Pop-up menus are,
They appear in the working area
They do not use window space when not displayed
Vertical orientation is most efficient for scanning and grouping
They allow for both keyboard equivalents and keyboard accelerators47) What are the disadvantages of iconic-menus.
The disadvantages are,
It consume more screen space
They are difficult to organize for scanning efficiency
To create meaningful icons requires special skills and an extended amount
of time.
48) What are the features of default menu items
It will reduce design time and encourage interface consistency
System learning time will also be reduced.
1) Explain the Structure of Menus?
Single menus
Sequential Linear menus
Simultaneous menus
Hierarchical menus
Connected menus
Event-trapping menus
2) Explain the Menu can be phrased?
Menu titles
Menu choice description
Menu instructions
Intent indicators
Keyboard equivalents
Keyboard accelerators
3) Explain the functions of Menus?
Displaying information
Navigation to a New menu
Execute an action or procedure
Data or parameter input
4) Explain briefly about Formatting of Menus?
Item arrangement
Groupings5) Explain the Kinds of Graphical Menu?
Menu bar
Pull-down menu
Cascading menu
Pop-up menus
Tear-off menus
Iconic menus
Pie menus
Default menu items
Functions not represented by default items.
6) What are the guidelines used in web site navigation.
Website Organization
Components of a Navigation System
Website Navigation Guidelines
7) Give short notes on menu bar and pull-down menu.
Give short notes on selecting menu choices.
Initial cursor positioning
Choice selection
Unavailable choices
Mark toggles or settings
Toggled menu items
8) Explain default menu items.
1) What is requirement analysis? What are the methods involved in it? What is the impact of
it on UI design?
A requirement is an objective that must be met. A product description is
developed and refined, based on input from users or marketing.
Direct methods
Individual face-to-face interview
Telephone interview or survey
Traditional focus group
Facilitated team workshop
Observational field study
Requirements prototyping
User-interface prototyping Usability laboratory testing
Card sorting for web sites
Indirect methods
MIS intermediary
Paper survey or questionnaire
Electronic survey or questionnaire
Electronic focus group
Marketing and sales
Support line
E-mail or bulletin board
User group
Competitor analyses
Trade show
Other media analysis
System testing
2) What is Statistical Graphics? Explain the Components of a Statistical Graphics?
A statistical graphic is data presented in a graphic format. A well-designed
Statistical graphic, also referred to as a chart or graph, consists of complex ideas
communicated with clarity, precision, and efficiency.
Components of a Statistical graphic:
Data presentation
Scales and scaling
Adding interpretation of numbers
3) Explain the types of Statistical Graphics?
Curve and line graphs
Surface charts
Scatter plots
Bar graphs
Segmented or stacked bars
Pie charts
4) Discuss briefly about Navigating Menus?
Web site navigation problems
Navigation goals
Web site navigation
Components of a web navigation system
Web site navigation guidelines
Maintaining a sense of place5) Explain the concept of organization screen display elements clearly and meaningfully.
Ordering of screen data and content
Upper-left starting point
Screen navigation and flow
Visually pleasing composition
Amount of information
Focus and emphasis
Conveying depth of levels or a three-dimensional appearance
Presenting information simply and meaningfully
6) Explain the types of Graphs.
Curved and Line Graphs
Surface Charts
Scatter plots
Bar Graphs
Histogram or Step Chart
Segmented or Stacked Bars
Pie Charts
7) Write short notes on technological consideration in interface design.
Graphical systems
System power
Screen size
Screen resolution
Other display features
Platform compatibility
Development and implementation tool compatibility
Style guide compatibility
Web systems
Other web considerations
The User technology profile Circa 2001
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