Sunday, March 11, 2012

UNIX COMMANDS -- unix lab

Ex.No:1                                               UNIX COMMANDS

            The UNIX operating system developed at Bell laboratories are among the notable success in the field of operating system. UNIX system provides a friendly environment for program development and text processing. They make it easy to combine programs with one another. This encourages a modular total oriented building block approach to program design.
1. date command:
                        The date command tells us the current date and time
 2. who command:
                        This command gives us the details of who have logged into the Unix                                  System.
                        $who am i
                        which tells us to when we had logged in and the system name for connection                                 being used
 3. man command:
                        This command prints manual page
                        $man<command name>
                        $man who
Usage of Directory commands:
1. pwd command:
                        It tells us the full path from the current directory
2. ls command:
                        The ls command displays the list of files in a current directory
The ls command comes with different options. Some of them are given here,
List files in login format. The files are displayed along with there mode, number
of links, owner of files, file size, modification date and time of file name
List in order of last modification time(most recent file)
List all entries, including hidden files
List directory files instead of contents
Put a slash after each directory
List in order of last access time

3. mkdir command :
                          This command helps us to make a directory
                         $mkdir <directory name>
Example: mkdir cape
4.  cd Command:
                        This command helps us to change from working directory to any other directory                            specified
Example: Assume that you are working in the directory path/user/you
                        $mkdir book                This makes a new directory
                        $cd book                     Used to change the directory 
                        $pwd                           Go to it                                                                                                            /user/you/book
                        $cd..                            This is used to move up one level in file system.
                        $cd                              This helps to return to home directory.

5.  rmdir Command:
                        This command is used to remove a directory specified in the command .
            Format: $rmdir<directory name>

            Example: $rmdir book
Usage of file command:
1) cat command:
            This command helps us to count the content of the file we specify. If we don’t specify the name of the file ,it takes input from standard input.
            Format    : $cat [path] filename
            Example: $cat xyz
            Example: $cat cape1
                             Have a nice day
 2) cp Command:
            This command helps us to create the copies of a ordinary file.
            Format   : $cp[path]sourcefilename[path]destinatiosnfilename
            Example: $cp cape1 cape2    
 3) ln Command:
            This command is used to establish a additional filename for the same directory file.
            Format  : $ln oldfilename new filename
            Example: $ln cape1 cape2
4) mv Command:
            This command is used to move the contents from one file to another file.
            Format   : $mv Source Destination
            Example: $mv cape1 cape2
5) rm Command:
            This command is used to remove one or more files from a directory. This can be 
     used to delete all file as well as the directory.
            Format: $rm [path] file
6) echo Command:
            This command is used to display on the screen.
            Format   : $echo “Message”
            Example: $echo “UNIX”
7) read Command:
            This command is used in shell script. This command waits for the user to in pact
   the value of the variable.
                        Format   : $read variable name
Important Keys to Remember:
Enter Key      -Execute command in the escape model & start a new line in the insert   
Esc Key          -Return the vi editor to the command mode.
“/”                   -Helps to search for a particular string with in the file.
“?”                  -Works the same way as “/”
“:”                   -Used when we want to specify a command.
Three modes:
                        1) Esc mode.
                        2) Insert mode.
                        3) Command mode.
Esc mode:
Movement of the Cursor:
h          or         backspace:left
l           or         spacebar :right
k          or         -              :up
j           or         +             :down
Some More Cursor Movements:
w         -           Moves forward by word.
b          -           Moves backward by  word.
e          -           Last character of the word.    
^          -           Beginning of the line.
$          -           End of the line.
L          -           Last line of the file.
Screen Commands:
Ctrl+F -           moves forward direction by screen.
Ctrl+B -           moves backward direction of the screen.
Ctrl+D -           moves the cursor half of the screen in backward direction.
Ctrl+U -           moves the cursor half of the screen in forward direction.
i/I         -           change to insert mode.
Insert mode:
I           -           invokes insert mode and insertion takes place at the beginning.
a          -           used for appending the text. Text is appended after the cursor position.
A         -           Used for appending the text. Text is appended at back end of the line.
O         -           Allows insertion by creating a blank line above the current line.
o          -           Allows insertion by creating a blank line below the current line.
R         -           It overwrites from current cursor position.
Command mode:
            Esc+:   -change to command mode.
Deleting data:
:u                     -           undo all commands used in command prompt.
:set number      -           set the line number.
:2Jo                  -           used to join operation.
:2co7               -           second line is copied after seventh line.
:1,3co8                        -           first,second,third lines are copied after eighth line.
:3mo7              -           move third line after seventh line.
:2d                   -           to delete the second line.
:2,5d                -           to delete the set of lines.(2,3,4&5)
How to quit vi editor:
:q!        -           quit without writing the changes into disk file.
:wq      -           quit after writing the changes to the disk file.
Esc mode-deleting datas:
dd        -           delete the line in which cursor position.
dw       -           delete the single word.
x/del    -           to delete the single character at the cursor position.
X         -           delete the single character before the cursor position.

Thus the basic UNIX commands were studied and executed

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