Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nested Sub Queries ex :5 DBMS Lab

Nested Sub Queries

SQL> create table books1(isbn number(5)primary key,title varchar(25),author varchar(25),price number(7,2),pubyear number(4)); 
Table created. 
SQL> create table customers(custid number(5)primary key,custname varchar(25),address varchar(30)); 
Table created. 
SQL> create table orders(orderno number(5)primary key,custid number(5)references customers(custid),orderdate date); 
Table created 
SQL> create table orderlist(orderno number(5)references orders(orderno),isbn number(5)references books(isbn),qtty number(5),totprice number(5),shipdate date); 
Table created. 
SQL> insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear);
Enter value for isbn: 4251
Enter value for title: The Scarlet Pimpernal
Enter value for author: Thomas Odissey
Enter value for price: 560
Enter value for pubyear: 1995
old   1: insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear)
new   1: insert into books values(4251,'The Scarlet Pimpernal','Thomas Odissey',560,1995) 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for isbn: 17854
Enter value for title: The Tempest
Enter value for author: Shakespeare
Enter value for price: 129
Enter value for pubyear: 1886
old   1: insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear)
new   1: insert into books values(17854,'The Tempest','Shakespeare',129,1886) 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for isbn: 19546
Enter value for title: Harry Potter Series
Enter value for author: J.K.Rowling
Enter value for price: 985
Enter value for pubyear: 2004
old   1: insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear)
new   1: insert into books values(19546,'Harry Potter Series','J.K.Rowling',985,2004) 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for isbn: 7546
Enter value for title: The Arabian Nights
Enter value for author: Arab philosophers
Enter value for price: 1876
Enter value for pubyear: 1885
old   1: insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear)
new   1: insert into books values(7546,'The Arabian Nights','Arab philosophers',1876,1885) 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for isbn: 5248
Enter value for title: Julius Caesar
Enter value for author: Shakespeare
Enter value for price: 768
Enter value for pubyear: 1779
old   1: insert into books values(&isbn,'&title','&author',&price,&pubyear)
new   1: insert into books values(5248,'Julius Caesar','Shakespeare',768,1779) 
1 row created. 
SQL> insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address');
Enter value for custid: 11000
Enter value for custname: Sunitha
Enter value for address: 12, Nethaji Street, Madurai.
old   1: insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address')
new   1: insert into customers values(11000,'Sunitha','12, Nethaji Street, Madurai.') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for custid: 11005
Enter value for custname: Ashok
Enter value for address: 154, K.R.Nagar, Coimbatore.
old   1: insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address')
new   1: insert into customers values(11005,'Ashok','154, K.R.Nagar, Coimbatore.') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for custid: 11501
Enter value for custname: Ashwin
Enter value for address: 176, East street, Erode.
old   1: insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address')
new   1: insert into customers values(11501,'Ashwin','176, East street, Erode.') 
1 row created.
 SQL> /
Enter value for custid: 12540
Enter value for custname: Sunil
Enter value for address: 90, Rajaji Street, Chidambaram
old   1: insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address')
new   1: insert into customers values(12540,'Sunil','90, Rajaji Street, Chidambaram') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for custid: 14260
Enter value for custname: Uday
Enter value for address: 59, Gandhi Street, Tutucorin.
old   1: insert into customers values(&custid,'&custname','&address')
new   1: insert into customers values(14260,'Uday','59, Gandhi Street, Tutucorin.') 
1 row created. 

SQL> insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate');
Enter value for orderno: 1701
Enter value for custid: 11000
Enter value for orderdate: 23-FEB-1992
old   1: insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate')
new   1: insert into orders values(1701,11000,'23-FEB-1992') 
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 1654
Enter value for custid: 11005
Enter value for orderdate: 24-MAR-94
old   1: insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate')
new   1: insert into orders values(1654,11005,'24-MAR-94') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 17845
Enter value for custid: 11501
Enter value for orderdate: 12-APR-89
old   1: insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate')
new   1: insert into orders values(17845,11501,'12-APR-89') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 7842
Enter value for custid: 12540
Enter value for orderdate: 9-SEP-96
old   1: insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate')
new   1: insert into orders values(7842,12540,'9-SEP-96') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 5640
Enter value for custid: 14260
Enter value for orderdate: 6-OCT-98
old   1: insert into orders values(&orderno,&custid,'&orderdate')
new   1: insert into orders values(5640,14260,'6-OCT-98') 
1 row created.

SQL> insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate');
Enter value for orderno: 1701
Enter value for isbn: 4251
Enter value for qtty: 36100
Enter value for totprice: 6900
Enter value for shipdate: 09-APR-92
old   1: insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate')
new   1: insert into orderlist values(1701,4251,36100,6900,'09-APR-92') 
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 1654
Enter value for isbn: 17854
Enter value for qtty: 8795
Enter value for totprice: 520
Enter value for shipdate: 19-JUL-97
old   1: insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate')
new   1: insert into orderlist values(1654,17854,8795,520,'19-JUL-97') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 7842
Enter value for isbn: 7546
Enter value for qtty: 4520
Enter value for totprice: 320
Enter value for shipdate: 27-SEP-68
old   1: insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate')
new   1: insert into orderlist values(7842,7546,4520,320,'27-SEP-68') 
1 row created. 

SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 5640
Enter value for isbn: 5248
Enter value for qtty: 790
Enter value for totprice: 653
Enter value for shipdate: 12-DEC-96
old   1: insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate')
new   1: insert into orderlist values(5640,5248,790,653,'12-DEC-96') 
1 row created. 
SQL> /
Enter value for orderno: 1654
Enter value for isbn: 17854
Enter value for qtty: 17000
Enter value for totprice: 2360
Enter value for shipdate: 18-MAR-94
old   1:  insert into orderlist values(&orderno,&isbn,&qtty,&totprice,'&shipdate')
new   1:  insert into orderlist values(1654,17854,17000,2360,'18-MAR-94') 
1 row created.
SQL> select * from orderlist; 
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------          -----------
      7842       7546       7200        620                            10-FEB-98
      5640       5248        790        760                              19-OCT-97
     17845      19546       9000        680         18-SEP-99
      1654      17854      17000       2360       18-MAR-94 

SQL> select * from books; 
      ISBN TITLE                     AUTHOR                         PRICE   PUBYEAR
---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------
      4251 The Scarlet Pimpernal     Thomas Odissey                   560              1995 
     17854 The Tempest               Shakespeare                      129                          1886 
     19546 Harry Potter Series       J.K.Rowling                      985                        2004
      ISBN TITLE                     AUTHOR                         PRICE   PUBYEAR
---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------        ----------
      7546 The Arabian Nights        Arab philosophers               1876                               1885 
      5248 Julius Caesar             Shakespeare                      768                               1779

SQL> select * from customers; 
    CUSTID CUSTNAME                  ADDRESS
---------- ------------------------- ------------------------------
     11000 Sunitha                   12, Nethaji Street, Madurai.
     11005 Ashok                     154, K.R.Nagar, Coimbatore.
     11501 Ashwin                    176, East street, Erode.
     12540 Sunil                     90, Rajaji Street, Chidambaram
     14260 Uday                      59, Gandhi Street, Tutucorin. 

SQL> select * from orders; 
---------- ---------- ----------
      1701     11000          23-FEB-1992
      1702      11005          24-MAR-94
     11501      11501          12-APR-89
      1705      12540          9-SEP-96
     11706      14260          6-OCT-98 

SQL> select * from books1 where price between 300 and 400; 

      ISBN TITLE                     AUTHOR                         PRICE    PUBYEAR
---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -----------    ---------
     19546 The Arabian Nights        Arab Philosophers         320      1956 

SQL> select * from books1 b where exists(select * from orderlist o where b.isbn=o.isbn); 

      ISBN TITLE                     AUTHOR                         PRICE    PUBYEAR
---------- ------------------------- -------------------------           ----------        ----------
     17854 The Tempest               William Shakespeare              870      1877 
      7546 Harry Potter Series       J.K.Rowling                      600      2000 
      5248 Julius Caesar             William Shakespeare              650      1756
      ISBN TITLE                     AUTHOR                         PRICE    PUBYEAR
---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------                   -----------
     19546 The Arabian Nights        Arab Philosophers                320      1956

SQL> select sum(price) from books1 group by pubyear; 

SQL> select sum(price),pubyear from books1 group by pubyear having sum(price)>500; 
---------- ----------
       650       1756
       870       1877
       900       1998
       600       2000 

SQL> (select isbn from books1)union(select isbn from orderlist); 

SQL> (select isbn from books1)intersect(select isbn from orderlist); 

SQL> select c.custname,c.address,o.orderdate,o.orderno from customers c,orders o where c.custid=o.custid; 
CUSTNAME                  ADDRESS                        ORDERDATE    ORDERNO
------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- ----------
Ashok                     154, K.R.Nagar, Coimbatore.    24-MAR-94       1654
Ashwin                    176, East street, Erode.       12-APR-89      17845
Sunil                     90, Rajaji Street, Chidambaram 09-SEP-96       7842
Uday                      59, Gandhi Street, Tutucorin.  06-OCT-98       5640 

SQL> select c.custname,o.orderno from customers c,orders o where c.custid=o.custid(+); 
CUSTNAME                     ORDERNO
------------------------- ----------
Ashok                           1654
Ashwin                         17845
Sunil                           7842
Uday                            5640 

SQL> select c.custname,o.orderno from customers c,orders o where c.custid(+)=o.custid; 
CUSTNAME                     ORDERNO
------------------------- ----------
Ashok                           1654
Ashwin                         17845
Sunil                           7842
Uday                            5640

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