Saturday, March 17, 2012

ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY – II anna university Syllabus

                                    ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY – II                      L  T  P  C
                                     (Common to all B.E/B.Tech programmes)                  3   0  0   3

To impart a sound knowledge on the principles of chemistry involved in different application oriented topics required for all engineering branches.


The student should be conversant with
      Principles of electrochemistry, electrochemical cells, emf and applications of emf   measurements
      Principles of corrosion and its control
      Chemistry of fuels and alternate energy sources
      Principles of polymer chemistry and engineering applications of polymers
      Chemistry of engineering materials

UNIT I           ELECTROCHEMISTRY                                                                        9
Introduction – Kohlrausch’s law, problems; Electrode potential – Nernst equation, problems; Reference electrodes – standard hydrogen electrode, calomel electrode; Ion selective electrode – glass electrode and measurement of pH; Electrochemical series -  significance; Types of cells - galvanic, reversible and irreversible cells; EMF – measurement of emf; Conductometric titrations (acid – base:  HCl vs NaOH); Potentiometric titrations (redox:  Fe²+ vs dichromate and precipitation: Ag+ vs  Cl-).

UNIT II          CORROSION AND CORROSION CONTROL                                   9
Corrosion – causes; Mechanisms - Chemical corrosion – Pilling – Bedworth rule – electrochemical corrosion - galvanic corrosion, differential aeration corrosion; Factors influencing corrosion; Corrosion control –  selection of materials & design -  sacrificial anode and impressed cathodic current methods – corrosion inhibitors; Protective coatings – paints – constituents and functions – metallic coatings (electroplating (Au) and electroless plating (Ni)).

UNIT III        POLYMER TECHNOLOGY                                                                  9
Polymers - definition – polymerization; Types – addition, condensation; Free radical polymerization mechanism; Plastics – Thermoplastic -  preparation, properties and uses of PVC, Teflon, PET, Nylon- 6 & Nylon 6:6; Thermosetting – Phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite), melamine formaldehyde and Epoxy resins; Polymer  blends and Alloys – definition, types, example; Polymer matrix composites; Natural and Synthetic fiber composites - cotton, jute, Kevlar and glass; Rubber - vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubbers (butyl rubber and SBR).

UNIT IV        FUELS AND ALTERNATE ENERGY SOURCES                           9
Introduction - Coal – proximate analysis; Coke – manufacture by Otto-Hoffmann method; Petroleum refining and fractions; Cracking - catalytic cracking processes; Octane number and Cetane number; Synthetic petrol (Bergius process); Advantage and use of biodiesel by Jatropha; Gaseous fuels-  natural gas,  CNG and LPG ; Combustion – calorific values; Flue gas analysis – Orsat apparatus.  Fuel cells – hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell, Solar cell (photovoltaic cell) , Wind energy and Tidal energy.
UNIT V          ENGINEERING MATERIALS                                                           9
Abrasives – properties, characteristics; Classification - natural (diamond, corundum, emery, quartz & garnet) - synthetic abrasives (silicon carbide, boron carbide and alundum) and applications. Refractories - characteristics – classifications; Properties (refractoriness, dimensional stability, porosity, thermal spalling); Manufacture of alumina, magnesite and zirconia bricks. Lubricants – mechanisms, properties (viscosity, flash and fire points, cloud and pour points, oileness and aniline point); classification – Liquid, Semi solid and Solid lubricants (graphite and molybdenum sulphide). Nanomaterials – definition, Carbon nanotubes – types, preparation and applications.

  1. P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co., New Delhi (2010).
  2. V.R. Gowarikar and V. Sridhar, “Polymer Science”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (2009).
  3. S.S.Dara and S.S. Umare “A text book of Engineering Chemistry” S.Chand & Co.Ltd., New   Delhi (2010).
  4. Renu Bapna and Renu Gupta, “Engineering Chemistry”, Macmillan Publishers India, Ltd,  New Delhi, 2010.
  5. P. Kannan and A. Ravi Krishnan,  “Engineering Chemistry” IXth edition- 2009, Sri KrishnaHitech Publishing Company (P) Ltd, Chennai.

  1. B.Sivasankar “Engineering Chemistry” Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi (2008).
  2. B.K.Sharma “Engineering Chemistry” Krishna Prakasan Media (P) Ltd., Meerut (2001).
  3. Mary Jane Shultz, “Engineering Chemistry”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2007
Kenneth G. Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, “Engineering materials properties and selections”, PHI learning PVT LTD, Ninth Edn, New Delhi, 2011.  

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