Sunday, March 11, 2012


Ex. No. :1


To implement the basic UNIX commands.


  1. Command:         Who

Syntax                        :  who

Description     : Tells you who's logged on, and where they're coming from.

Example         : who

Output            :          

                 [itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ who
                 itstaff  pts/1        Nov 13 10:21 (
                 root     :0           Nov 13 11:36
                 itstaff  pts/2        Nov 13 12:03 (
     [itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

                Options       : who – [option]

Displays UNIX accounting information.
Displays the date an time of the last reboot.
Displays only the login names and the number of users currently logged in.
Displays the  current init level.
Displays the file name and time fields
Displays file name with current information
  .  – user is idle or not.

  1. Command: date
Syntax                        :  date

Description     : Displays the date month and time.

            Example         : date

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ date

Thu Nov 13 14:54:42 IST 2008

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

            Options: date  +%[option]

Displays the abbreviated day name
Displays the full day name
%b, %h
Displays the abbreviated month name
Displays the full month name
Displays the current date and time
Displays the centaury as a decimal number
Displays the day of the month
Displays the date in the format mm/dd/yy
Displays the hour(00-23)
Displays the hour(01-12)
Displays the day of the year
Displays the month of the year (01-12)
Displays the minute(00-59)
Inserts a new line character
Displays  A.M/P.M appropriately
Displays the 12 hour clock with  A.M/P.M appropriately

  1. Command:      id

Syntax                        :   id

Description     : The id command is used to display the numerical value that corresponds to your login name.

Example         : id

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ id

uid=539(itstaff) gid=540(itstaff) groups=540(itstaff)

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command: clear   

Syntax                        :   clear

Description     : clears the screen of your terminal.

Example         : clear

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ clear

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command:  man

Syntax                        : man [UNIX command]

Description     : Gives the complete access to the Unix Manual

Example         : man wc

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ man wc

WC(1)                                 FSF                                WC(1)

       wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files

       wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...

       Print byte, word, and newline counts for each FILE, and a total line if
       more than one FILE is specified.  With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read
       standard input.

       -c, --bytes
              print the byte counts

       -m, --chars
              print the character counts

       -l, --lines
              print the newline counts

       -L, --max-line-length
              print the length of the longest line

  1. Command: clear   

Syntax                        :   clear

Description     : clears the screen of your terminal.

Example         : clear

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ clear

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command:     cal   

Syntax                        :   cal  [month]  [year]

Description     :

Example 1      : cal

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cal

November 2008

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$


  1.  Command     : mkdir

Syntax                        : mkdir [directory_name]

Description     : Create a new directory in the specified name

Example         : mkdir unix

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ mkdir kamaraj
[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command      : cd

Syntax                        : cd [directory_name]

Description     : Used to change from working directory to another directory

Example         : cd kamaraj

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cd kamaraj

[itstaff@localhost kamaraj]$ pwd

[itstaff@localhost kamaraj]$

  1. Command      : rmdir

Syntax                        : rmdir [directory_name]

Description     : Used to remove the specified directory

Example         : rmdir kamraj

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ rmdir kamraj

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cd kamraj
-bash: cd: kamraj: No such file or directory

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command      : ls

Syntax                        : ls [option(s)]

Description     : Lists sets or files of current user id or current directory

Example         : ls

Output            :

Options           : ls [option(s)]

  1.  Command:  pwd

Syntax                        :   pwd

Description     : Displays the absolute path name of the currtntly working directory.

Example         : pwd

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ pwd


[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$


  1. Command      : cat

Syntax                        : cat [option(s)] [file(s)]

Description     : List the content of the specified file

Example1       : cat  > file.txt [ Creates the file with the specified file name]

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat > file.txt

GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

Example2       : cat file.txt [List the content of the specified file]

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

            Example 3      : cat –n file.txt [List the content of the specified file with line number]

            Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat -n file.txt

     1  GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
     2  Department of Informatiin Technology
     3  Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

Example 4      : cat file.txt file1.txt >> file2.txt [Appends the file content and stores in file2.txt]

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file1.txt


[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt file1.txt >> file2.txt

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file2.txt

GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming


[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command      : wc

Syntax                        : wc [option(s)] [file(s)]

Description     : Used to count the number of lines, words and characters in a file of a group of file.

Example         : wc file.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ wc file.txt

      3      13      96 file.txt

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

            Options           :

                        -c         Counts number of character in the file
                        -w        Counts number of words in the file
                        -l          Counts number of lines in the file

  1. Command      : file

Syntax                        : file [file_name]

Description     : Determines the type of the specified file

Example         : file file.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ file file.txt
file.txt: ASCII text
[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command      : rm

Syntax                        : rm –optiin [file name]

Description     : It deletes the specified file

Example         : rm rfile.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat rfile.txt
file command
directory command
filter command

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ rm rfile.txt

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat rfile.txt
cat: rfile.txt: No such file or directory

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

            Option            :

                        -r                     deletes the directory
                        -f                     force remove file
                        -rf                    force remove directory

  1. Command      : cp

Syntax                        : cp [source file name] [destinatiin file name]

Description     : Copies source file to destinatiin file

Example         : cp file.txt cpfile.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat cpfile.txt
cat: cpfile.txt: No such file or directory

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cp file.txt cpfile.txt

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat cpfile.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

Filter Commands:

  1. Command      : head

Syntax                        : head –optiin [file name]

Description     : Writes the first ten line of the file to the screen

Example         : head

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ head

        len=`echo $1 | wc -c`
        len=`expr $len - 1`
        echo "Length of the given string is $len"

        len=`echo $1 | wc -c`

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

Optiin [n]        : Says the number of lines to be displayed

Example         : head -5

  1. Command      : tail

Syntax                        : tail –optiin [file name]

Description     : Writes the last ten line of the file to the screen

Example         : tail

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ tail
                3) stringcmp "$str"
                4) stringconcat "$str"
                5) stringrev "$str"
                6) exit
[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$
Optiin [n]        : Says the number of lines to be displayed

Example         : tail -5

Syntax                        : mv [source filename] [destinatiin filename]

Description     : Moves the entire content from source file to destinatiin file

Example         : mv file.txt cpfile.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt
GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat cpfile.txt
cat: cpfile.txt: No such file or directory

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ mv file.txt cpfile.txt

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt
cat: file.txt: No such file or directory

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$

  1. Command      : pr

Syntax                        : pr [options] file

Description     : Used to print file contents

Example         : pr -1 os.txt

Output            :

  1. Command      : cut

Syntax                        : cut [
options] file

Description     : Cut the specified file

Example         : cut os.txt

Output            :

  1. Command      : join

Syntax                        : join file1 file2

Description     : Used to join files

Example         : cut os.txt hmt.txt

Output            :

  1. Command      : grep

Syntax                        : grep [pattern] [filename]

Description     : It searches the specified pattern or word in the given file

Example         : grep Unix file.txt

Output            :

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ cat file.txt

GE 2155 : Computer Practice Laboratory II
Department of Informatiin Technology
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$ grep Unix file.txt
Unix Programming

[itstaff@localhost itstaff]$


            Thus, the study of basic UNIX commands was done and its output was verified.

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