Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fundamentals of Computing and Programming

Fundamentals of Computing and Programming
 Page 1
1. Define Computer?
Computer is a fast operating electronic device, which automatically
accepts and store input data, processes them and produces results under
the direction of step by step program.
2. Define Data & Information?
Data is the fact or raw material for the information processing.
The processed data is called as Information.
3. Distinguish between Analog & Digital computer.
S. NO Analog Computer Digital Computer:
1. It operates by measuring It operates by counting
2. It requires physical analog It functions on discrete numbers
3. The output is in the form of
The output is in the form of discrete values
4. Less accurate More accure
5. Less speed High speed
6. Limited memory More memory
ENIAC  Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
ABC  Atanasoff and Berry Computer
EDVAC  Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
EDSAC  Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
UNIVAC  UNIVersal Automatic Computer
5. State the characteristics of computer.
The characteristics of computer are Speed, Accuracy, Automation,
Endurance, Versatility, Storage, Cost reduction, No IQ.
6. How will you classify computer system?
The computer system can be classified on the basis of
 Hardware design
 Utility
 Size and Capacity
 Mode of use
7. Differentiate between volatile and non- volatile memory.
S. No Volatile Non-Volatile
1. The contents are temporary The contents are permanent
2. Cost is very high Cost is effective
3. Available in small storage capacity Available in high storage capacity
4. Processing speed is high Processing speed is low
5. Example: RAM Example: ROM
8. Give any two tasks which humans perform better than computers.
Humans can think of there own, reason and discover, but the computer can
simply compare, calculate and manipulate.
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9. Convert the binary number 100110 into its octal equivalent.
=100 110
4 6
The ans is 468
10. Convert the binary number (100111)2 to Decimal number.
11. Convert 0.4375 decimal to binary system.
0.4375 X 0.875 X 0.75 X 0.5 X
2 2 2 2
0.8750 1.750 1.50 1.0
ANS: 0.01112
12. What are the basic operations of a computer?
The basic operations of a computer are Input, Process, Storing,
Controlling, and Output.
14. List the four categories of computer hardware.
15. Who is the father of computer and why?
Charless Bebbage is the father of computer, because the parts and working
principle of the Analytical engine, which is invented by Charles Bebbage is similar to
todays computer.
16. What are the main functions of an ALU?
It performs all the arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic operations
like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and logical such as comparisons are
17. What are the types of number system?
There are basically two types of number system available
 Positional Number System
 Non- Positional Number System
18. Define Base or Radix?
It is defined as the total number of digits available in the number system.
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19. Define Clients & Servers?
It is generally a single user PC or work station that provides a highly userfriendly
interface to the end user. It runs Client processes, ahich send service requests to
the server.
It is generally a relatively large computer that manages a shared resource
and provides a set of shared user services to the clients. It runs the server process, which
services client requests for use of the resource managed by the server. The network may
be a single LAN or WAN or an internet of networks.
20. Specify the Electronics components used for different computer generations?
Generation Electronic Components
I Generation Vaccum Tubes
II Generation Transistors
III Generation Integrated Circuits
IV Generation Microprocessors
V Generation Artificial Intelligence
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1. Define Computer Software?
Software is a set of programs or collection of programs that is executed by the
Computer’s CPU to function it in a desired way.
2. What is meant by Installation and Assembling?
Installation –It is the process of loading the software package into the computer.
Assembling – It is the process of mounting different computer peripherals into one, to
make the computer to function properly.
3. Define Hardware.
Hardware is the physical components of the computer.
4. What are the types of Software?
1. Application software.
2. System software.
5. Define OS.
An operating system is a set of programs, which are used to control and co-ordinate the
computer system.
6. What are the types of Operating System?
• Single user operating system.
• Multi-user operating system.
• Time sharing operating system.
• Virtual storage operating system.
• Real time operating system.
• Multiprocessing operating system.
• Virtual machine operating system.
7. Define Multiprocessing?
Multiprocessing is the process of executing a single job by using multiple CPU’s.
8. What are language translators?
The language translators are the programs which come under system software category.
They are Compilers, Interpreters and Assembler.
9. What are a Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter?
Compiler: It is a program which is used to convert the high level language program into
machine language.
Assembler: It is a program which is used to convert the assembly level language
into machine language.
Interpreter: It is a program; it takes one statement of a high level language program,
translates it into machine language instruction and then immediately executes the
machine language instruction.
10. What is application software?
An application software is a set of programs, that allows the computer to perform a
specific data processing for the user.
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11. How can you obtain required software?
• Buying Pre-defined software.
• Buying customized software.
• Developing the software.
• Downloading from the Internet.
12. What are the categories of application software?
• Customized Application Software.
• General Application Software.
13. Define the System.
System is a group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal.
14. Specify the personnel’s, who are responsible for system design and
• System Personnel.
• System Analyst.
• System Designer.
• Programmers.
• Users.
15. What is system development cycle?
System development cycle is the sequence of events considered by the system developers
to build the new system or to replace the old one.
16. What is Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document?
The Software Required Specification (SRS) Document is produced at the end of
Requirement Analysis stage, which specifies all requirements of the customer.
17. What is meant by Testing?
Testing is the process of executing the proposed software with sample or test data and put
into regular use.
18. What is Design?
The Design is the process of specifying the detailed operation of the system.
19. What is meant by Coding?
Coding is the process of writing program in a programming language.
20. What is Implementation & Maintenance?
Implementation is the process of putting the system into regular use.
Maintenance is the process of enhancing the system after installation.
21. What is Internet?
Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks linked by copper wires, fiber
optic cables and wireless connections etc,
22. What is Web?
The Web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources linked by
hyperlinks and URL’s.
23. What is ARPANET?
It is acrimony for Advanced Research Project Agency NET, created by Department of
Defence (DOD).
24. What is a Web page?
A webpage or web page is a document or resource of information that is suitable for the
World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a
computer screen. This information is usually in HTML or XHTML format, and may
provide navigation to other web pages via hypertext links.
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25. Define Website?
A website is a collection of WebPages, images, videos or other digital assets that is based
on one or more web servers, usually accessible through the Internet.
26. What is an IP?
IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is the language, that computer used to
communicate over the Internet.
27. Name some of the services of Internet or Internet applications?
• E-Mail.
• Chat.
• Remote Access.
• File Sharing.
• Voice Telephony.
• File Transfer Protocol.
• Telnet.
• Internet Relay Chat.
• Video Conferencing.
28. What is TCP/IP?
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communications protocols
used to connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones
TCP and IP.
29. What is IP Address?
Internet protocol address is the address of a device attached to an IP network (TCP/IP
network). Every client, server and network device is assigned an IP address, and every IP
packet traversing an IP network contains a source IP address and a destination IP address.
30. Name any four application software packages.
Word Processors
Data bases
Graphics Presentations
Web browsers
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1. What is a program?
A program is a set instruction written to carryout a particular task, so that
computer can perform some specified task.
2. What is algorithm?
Algorithm means the logic of a program. It is a step-by-step description of how
to arrive at a solution of a given problem.
3. What are the steps to solve the problem in a computer system?
· Problem must be analyzed thoroughly.
· Solution method is broken down into a sequence of small tasks.
· Based on this analysis, an algorithm must be prepared to solve the problem.
· The algorithm is expressed in a precise notation. This notation is known as
“Computer Program”.
· The Computer program is fed to the computer.
· The instruction in the program executes one after another and outputs the expected
4. How can you measure the quality of algorithm?
The primary factors that are often used to judge the quality of an algorithm are
time requirement, memory requirement, and accuracy of solution.
5. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?
1. In algorithms each and every instruction should be precise.
2. In algorithms each and every instruction should be unambiguous.
3. The instructions in an algorithm should not be repeated infinitely.
4. Ensure that the algorithm will ultimately terminate.
5. The algorithm should be written in sequence.
6. It looks like normal English.
7. The desired result should be obtained only after the algorithm terminates.
6. How many types the Algorithm can be represented?
· Normal English
· Program
· Flowchart
· Pseudo code
· Decision table
7. What is decision table?
A decision table is a table containing the selection of conditions to be tested and how
those conditions should be nested to arrive at the proper action.
8. What is Flowchart?
A Flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm. It is often used by
programmer as a program planning tool for organizing a sequence of step necessary to
solve a problem by a computer.
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9. What is the need of Flowchart symbols?
Each symbol of different shapes denotes different shapes denote different types of
instructions. The program logic through flowcharts is made easier through the use of
symbol that has standardized planning.
10. What is pseudo code?
“Pseudo” means imitation of false and “code” refers to the instruction written in the
programming language. Pseudo code is programming analysis tool that is used for
planning program logic.
11. What is structured programming?
A structured programming is a more specific approach to solve a
programming problem by using only the three basic logic structures. They are sequence
logic, selection logic and Iteration logic.
12. What are the rules for drawing a flowchart?
· The standard symbols should only be used.
· The arrowheads in the flowchart represent the direction of flow of control in the
· The usual direction of the flow of procedure is from top to bottom or left to right.
· The flow lines should not cross each other.
· Be consistent in using names and variables in the flowchart.
· Keep the flowchart as simple as possible.
· Words in the flowchart symbols should be common statements and easy to
· Chart main line of logic, and then incorporate all the details of logic.
· If a new page is needed for flowcharting, then use connectors for better
· Don’t chart every details or the flowchart will only be graphical represented.
13. What is sequence logic?
Sequence logic is used for performing instructions one after another in a
14. What is selection logic?
Selection logic is used for selecting the process path out of two or more
alternative paths in the program logic. It uses three control structures called if…then, if…
then…else and switch…case.
15. What is Iteration logic?
Iteration logic is used for producing loops in program logic when one or more
instructions may be executed several times depending on some condition. It uses two
control structures called do…while, and repeat…until.
16. What are the rules for writing pseudo code?
· Write on statement per line.
· Capitalize initial keywords.
· Indent to show hierarchy.
· End multi line structure.
· Keep statements language independent.
17. What are the features of word processors?
· Fast
· Permanent storage
· Formatting
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· Editing
· Graphics
· Spell Check
· Mail merge
18. How many types a documented can be viewed?
* Normal view * Online layout
* Outline view * Page layout view
19. What are the menus available in Ms-Word?
· File
· Edit
· View
· Insert
· Format
· Tools
· Table
· Window
· Help
20. What is meant by Formatting?
Formatting is the process of changing the appearance of the text in the document.
21. Specify any five toolbars available in Ms-Word?
· Standard
· Formatting
· Drawing
· Tables & Boarders
· WordArt etc.,
22. How many Line Spacing options available in Ms-Word?
· Single
· 1.5 Lines
· Double
· At least
· Exactly
· Multiple
23. What are the Text cases available in Ms-Word?
· Sentence case
· lower case
· Title Case
24. What is Subscript and Superscript?
The Subscript format places the text slightly below a line of normal printed
The Superscript format places the text slightly above a line of normal printed
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25. What is Tab and what are the Tab settings available in word?
Tab is used to control the alignment of text with in the document. Word provides
seven types of tabs.
· Standard (left) tab
· Center tab
· Right tab
· Decimal tab
· Bar tab
· First line Indent tab
· Hanging Indent tab
26. Define Headers and Footers.
Header allows text, page number or section titles to appear on every page of
document at the top position.
Footer allows text, page number or section titles to appear on every page of
document at the bottom position.
27. What is a Table?
A Table is grid of rows and columns.
28. What is a Clipart?
Clipart is the attractive pre-defined, pre-colored pictures available in Ms-Word office
29. Define a Template.
Template is a special kind of document that produces basic tools for shaping a final
30. Define operator and formula.
Operator:-An operator is a symbol, which can do a particular action on the
Formula:-Is the mathematical expression used to carryout a particular process.
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1. Define do-while loop.
It is a repetitive control structure and executes the body of the loop once irrespective of
the condition then it checks the condition and continues the execution until the condition
become false.
2. What is meant by break statement?
The break statement is used to terminate the loop. When the keyword break is used inside
any loop, the control automatically get transferred to the first statement after the loop.
3. What is meant by continue statement?
Continue statement is used to transfer the control back to the beginning of the loop,
before executing the rest of the statements inside the loop.
4. Define goto statement.
The goto statement transfers the control unconditionally from one place to another place
in the
5. What is meant by global variable?
The variable that is used in more than one function throughout the program are called
variables and declared outside of all the function.
6. Define logical and data errors
Logical errors: These are the errors, in which the conditional and control statements
cannot end their
match after some sequential execution.
Data errors: These are the errors, in which input data given, is not in syntax as specified
in the input statement.
7. List out the characteristics of a program.
· Clarity
· Integrity
· Simplicity
· Efficiency
· Generality
8. What is meant by tokens?
The tokens are usually referred as individual text and punctuation in the passage of text.
The C
language program can contain the individual units called the C tokens.
9. What are Keywords?
Keywords are reserved words that have standard and pre-defined meaning in C .These
keywords can be used only for their intended purpose.
10. What are the types of input statements available in C?
· Formatted I/O statements
· Unformatted I/O statements
11. Define getchar () function.
The getchar () function reads a single character from a standard input device. This
function do not requires any arguments.
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12. What is meant by local variable?
The variables which are defined inside a function block or inside a compound statement
of a function sub-program are called local variables.
13. Define constant.
The items whose values cannot be changed during the execution of program are called
14. Define statements.
Statements can be defined as set of declarations or sequence of action. Statement causes
the program to perform some action.
15. What is Ternary operator?
Tenary Operator is a conditional operator with symbols ? and :
Syntax : variable=exp1?exp2:exp3
If the exp1 is true variable takes the value of exp2. If the exp1 is false, variable takes the
value of exp3.
16.What is conversion specification?
The conversion specification are used to accept or display the data using the
INPUT/OUTPUT statements.
17.What is the difference between ‘a’ and “a”?
Where ‘a’ is a character constant and “a” is a string.
18. What is a String?
String is an array of characters.
19. What are the different data types available in ‘C’?
There are four basic data types available in ‘C’
i) int
ii) float
iii) char
iv) double
20.What are the Bitwise operators available in ‘C’?
& - Bitwise AND
| - Bitwise OR
~ - One’s complement
>> - Right Shift
<< - Left Shift
^ - Bitwise XOR are called bit field operator
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1. What is meant by user defined function?
The function defined by the user according to their requirements is called user defined
2. Define call by value.
When the value is passed directly to the function it is called call by value. In call by value
only a
copy of the variable is only passed so any changes made to the variable does not reflects
in the
calling function.
3. Define call by reference.
When the address of the value is passed to the function it is called call by reference. In
call by reference since the address of the value is passed any changes made to the value
reflects in the calling function.
4. What is meant by recursion and name two application?
This is where a function repeatedly calls itself to perform calculations. Typical
applications are games and Sorting trees and lists.
5. Define one – dimensional array.
The collection of data item can be stored under a one variable name using only one
subscript , such a variable is called one – dimensional array.
6. Give any two features of pointers.
· Pointer reduces the length and complexity of the program
· Pointers are efficient way of handling data associate
7.What is meant by Preprocessor?
Preprocessor is the program, that process our source program before the compilation.
8.How can you return more than one value from a function?
Function return only one value. By using pointer we can return more than one value.
9.Is it possible to place a return statement anywhere in ‘C’ program?
Yes. The return statement can occur anywhere.
10.A program can contain more return statements.
Yes. The program can contain any number of return statements.
11.What are the main elements of an array declaration?
There are three elements are there called Array name, Type and Size.
12.What is the starting index of an array?
The starting index of an array is 0(zero).
13.Is it possible to declare an array subscript with float data type?
No. The arrays subscript is always an int data type only.
14.Specify the use of Header files in ‘C’ language.
<stdio.h> contains standard I/O functions.
<ctype.h> contains character handling functions.
<stdlib.h> contains general utility functions.
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<string.h> contains string manipulation functions.
<math.h> contains mathematical functions.
<time.h> contains time manipulation functions.
15.Is it possible to nest the functions?
Yes. The functions can be nested.
16.What is the program development life cycle?
These are the sequence of events considered by the programmer to design and develop
efficient programs.
17.What are the types of errors occurred in C program?
There are four types of errors occurred during the program execution.
1. Syntax errors
2. Runtime errors
3. Logical errors
4. Latent errors
18.What are the types of testing techniques?
1.Human testing
2.Computer based testing
19. What is meant by debugging?
Debugging is the process of locating and isolating the errors.
20.Specify any five syntax error messages.
1. Missing semicolon
2. Missing braces
3. Missing quotes
4. Improper comment character
5. Undeclared variables
21.Define Pre-processor.
It is a program that process the source code before it passes to the complier.
22.What are the pre-processor directives?
1. Macro inclusion
2. Conditional inclusion
3. File inclusion
23.What are the dynamic memory allocation?
Allocating the memory at run time is called dynamic memory allocation.
24.Dynamic memory allocation function.
Malloc(), free(), calloc(), realloc()

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